in #christian7 years ago


It was not the usual Christmas Season when there was a lot of "Fowls for Sale" signs all over but we urgently needed to buy one.

We went from point to point until we were directed to a place which took careful driving to get to.

There was just one hen left. The seller brought it out and my wife carried it. She lifted it up again and asked for the price.

The price was outrageous. We did not buy it. My wife said it did not weigh much.

Days later it struck me:

We did not buy that hen because it did not weigh as much as we expected it.

Then I asked myself: When God carries me and places me on his scale, what will I weigh?

Do I carry weight in the things and scheme of God?

This is bitter truth- The weight is never measured by the material things we have but by the spiritual virtues we express.

The weight is in how patient I am in waiting at His feet in worship and learning before jumping all around doing uncommissioned assignments.

The weight is in how much I am free from material things- are there things in my life that He cannot place a demand on?

The weight is in trusting for Isaac without slipping into Ishmael. The weight is in the rightness of heart when confronted with my "Bathshebaric" errors.

The weight is in what I give away and not what I retain.

The lighter you hold materials, the heavier you weigh in God.

Lord, when you place me on your scale, may I not be discarded as weightless.

Lord, men may weigh me and find me unworthy by their own scale but never let me be found wanting by your scale Lord.

When you need a man for your service, let me be ready. When you desire a man for your use, may I be found worthy.

If you seek a man to give to another, even when it is my all, find me Lord.

Friend, what do you weigh?