Monthly Ministry Newsletter--March 2018

Hello brothers and sisters! :)

Freedom and healing

God has been brought freedom and healing to many in Lansing this past month! I am so grateful to be one of the many He is using. “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound” (Isaiah 61:1).

Encounters with God

Every Thursday at 2pm my friend DeAnn and I minister at JIMHO (Justice in Mental Health Organization). A few weeks ago God healed a woman named Sue from chronic back pain! She also wanted healing from mental illness. Join us in believing for a sound mind for Sue. God has already started to heal her brain. I am sure of this very thing: that He who began a good work in her will bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6).

The week before that a young man who goes by the name of “Paketz” (phonetically “pockets” LOL) had a powerful encounter with God while we were worshipping. At first I didn’t know what was going on. He randomly burst out with laughter a few times while I was leading worship. Later I found out that he had a face-to-face encounter with Jesus! He told my friend Daniel who was sitting next to him: “Jesus is here!” God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3) and in His presence there is fullness of joy, at His right hand are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11).

Join me in believing for God to reveal Himself to many more at JIMHO like this! Below is a picture taken in November 2016 of me with Paketz (Paketz is in the middle, wearing the black hoodie and baggy jeans):

Great men and women of God

On another occasion a young man (I forgot his name LOL) enthusiastically joined us in worship. He was a worshipper and a prayer warrior! I was shocked that someone who I could tell “had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13) was in a place like JIMHO.

A few months ago I shared about a homeless woman named Phoenix who was in Lansing for a few weeks and changed the atmosphere at JIMHO while she was there. She had incredible passion for Jesus! God has been raising up great men and women of God from among the homeless, the addicts and the mentally ill!

Finally last week at JIMHO we got to pray with Rod who said he feels like God wants to make him a preacher! Amen! “God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are” (1st Corinthians 1:27-28). God is glorifying His name by making His strength perfect in weakness! (1st Corinthians 12:9) Join us in praying that God would anoint Rod bring good news to the afflicted! Below is a picture of DeAnn, Sally (DeAnn’s friend), Rod and I:

COGL prayer team

Recently I became a part of the COGL prayer team. COGL (Church of Greater Lansing) is a network of regional leaders in the Body of Christ who unite to bring the kingdom of heaven to the Greater Lansing area. As part of the COGL prayer team we have had the privilege of joining a network of over 25 agencies devoted to ending homelessness in Lansing:

Greater Lansing Homeless Resolution Network (GLHRN)

This network is made up of various homeless shelters, the Department of Health and Human Services, Community Mental Health, and other similar organizations. The COGL prayer team is a group that is bringing something different to the table. Our goal is to bring the kingdom of heaven to Lansing. We believe that ultimately Jesus is the solution. When His Kingdom comes, addicts are freed, the sick are healed, and the solitary are set in families. Jesus wants to do so much more than merely end homelessness! He wants to give beauty for ashes! Below is a picture of us praying for the GLHRN and the homeless population after the GLHRN’s monthly meeting:


A few weeks ago I had the privilege of going to a treatment center in Battle creek called “a forever recovery.” I was invited by a resident at Endeavor House who was at the treatment center several months ago and has now returned multiple times to encourage the men and women. We got to share our testimonies and lead some worship. It was a powerful time! I will be returning again! I love sharing my story of where I used to be and where God has brought me to give hope to those stuck in addiction. Naturally (for privacy purposes) we couldn’t take pictures inside but below is a picture of the group of us that went to worship and share our testimony:

On the bus

Last week while I was riding the bus back from the HOPE I overheard one guy say to another “I don’t need drugs anymore. I gave my life to God.” This is an answer to prayer: I got to witness an ex-addict telling a few others (who looked like they might still be in addiction) about how God is better!

At the House of Prayer East Lansing (HOPE)

Increased activity by God is often linked with increased prayer. I think the reason that God has been moving in such mighty ways in this city is because of prayer! Back at the HOPE we have taken another step towards 24/7 worship and prayer by adding a couple days of all-day worship (from 6AM-7PM) on Monday’s and Thursday’s. Below is a picture of me worshipping during the 11AM slot on Thursday’s:

Right after this we jump into an intercession set where I lead us in praying that God would free those trapped in addiction to drugs/alcohol in Lansing. Below is a video of us interceding for the addicts last Thursday:

On Tuesday’s I’ve been leading us in praying for the nation of Kenya. Specifically I’ve focused lots on the issue of contaminated water because access to clean water is the first step to getting out of the poverty trap. Below is a video of us praying that God would give His heart to His Church for our brothers and sisters in extreme poverty without clean water; and that, being moved with love for God and compassion for our brothers and sisters, His Body would arise and meet the needs:

Prayer requests:

1. That God would heal me from the tormenting affliction in my mind and chronic pain.

2. That I would love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.

3. That the Holy Spirit would help me in this practice of abiding. (Help me keep my mind stayed on Him/focus my attention on Him/cling to Him)

4. That Jesus would increase my financial partnership team.

Thank you so much to all who have prayed for me! I really appreciate all of you so much! And thank you to everyone who has joined my financial partnership team! I am so encouraged when I see others investing in me. The message I receive when someone joins my financial partnership team is that they believe in me and in the work that God is doing through me. So thank you for encouraging me in this way!

You play a huge role in everything that I do! Those testimonies couldn’t have happened without you! So together, we are bringing God’s kingdom here! Do you want in on the action? If you want to join my financial partnership team too you can give online or in the mail:



Make checks out to Spirit of Christ Church and send them to:

Benjamin Mercer

3830 South Waverly Road

Lansing, MI, 48911

(Please include “for Benjamin Mercer” in the memo)

Thank you for your prayers and financial partnership! :)


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