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RE: Quiet Time 19 May - Jesus and the Word

in #christianity7 years ago

Yes, faith come by hearing and hearing by the word of God. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. My thought is to constantly hear the word of God. I gave up the TV as they promote adultery and fornication. What if we used our technology to constantly hear the word of God? I mean play the audio Bible from your cell phone when watering the lawn or doing some chores. Have the car stereo playing the audio Bible as you drive to your destination. Also have your computer play the Bible as you sleep. You see as a young man I used to read the Bible. Then I got married. Then she left. She filed for divorce. That is when I started to backslide. Going out with women and fornicating. Then I started reading books like, Conversations with God. You see I started to forget what I already knew. I even did Reiki on people. I volunteered at a hospital in my town. Last year about this time while doing Reiki, a scripture kept playing in my mind, they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Thank you Jesus. That scripture help wake me up. I laid hands on lots of people in almost 2 decades of doing Reiki. They all felt better. None of them recovered. I wasn't laying hands on them in the name of Jesus. I was laying hands on them in the name of Reiki. Satan has so many counterfeits. I repented. I quit the Reiki and got rid of my new age books. Accepted Jesus again. Don't want to backslide again. It took a couple of decades to come back. Now I am using technology to keep playing the Bible over and over again.