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RE: Thoughts for the day - 2/25/18

in #christianity7 years ago

For God has not given us the spirit of fear, He has given unto us a spirit power, of love and a sound mind. 2Tim 1:7

If we walk in the knowledge of the power we have as children of God, if we walk in love, and avoid whatever can tamper with our minds being clear, and so we have the clear mind to discern things, we will not need to be afraid to be successful or safe in life.

Fear is the devil's weapon. Fear is a result of the belief that whatever is before you can overcome you. If you remember who you have as God, you don't need to be afraid.

Now, if you meant to say that caution is necessary in life, I'd agree as the Bible says that a wise man sees trouble and hides himself but a fool stays on the path until destruction comes.

Fear is not of God, but caution, who it is necessary, is wisdom.


As always sister, you are right on!

Have a blessed day!

You too.