in #christianity6 years ago

And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Gal.6:9

Every labor and commitment we invest into our vision should be done with an expectation of reward.
There is a harvest ahead of hard work and diligence. The extra time we spend in the Word, the consistent giving to God's work, the night vigils spent in intercession, the laborious visitations we carry out will all yield results in DUE SEASON.

Every vision has it's appointed time of reward if we don't abort our confidence. A visioner must learn to work and wait.
Men of old who inherited God's promise had to mix them with faith and patience. Ministers who out of haste, try to force their way to promotion often fall into traps of mischief. There are some unwary young ministers, who over night ,want to attain the successes of older ministers that have spent half a century in the pursuit of their vision. They want to run before they learn how to sit.
Such people open the ministry to dove selling and money exchanging. They very quickly corrupt their callings.

Habakkuk 2:3 teaches us to WAIT for the appointed time of the vision. Every heaven given vision has it's appointed time to take off. However, the time of reward and harvest remains a mystery.
This is the danger of comparing one authentic ministry with another. It yields unhealthy competition and frustration. We must learn to walk with God and wait on Him for the due season of reward.


Joseph had a big vision, but that vision had it's appointed time. His vision got him into trouble. It sent him into a dry well, then to Portiphar's house as a slave. Eventually, he ended in a prison - all for believing in his vision and doing what was right.
In the prison, Joseph met with the officers of Pharaoh who were also serving prison terms.

The officers both had dreams which Joseph interpreted. (Genesis 40:13-14)
Joseph interpretation came true. The chief butler was released from prison and restored to his former position. However, verse 23 says, "Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.

The chief butler forgot Joseph. It sounds pathetic, yet it was divinely planned. The TIME to remember Joseph was not RIPE. The due season for harvest had not come. The appointed time was still in the future. Neither Joseph nor the chief butler was aware of the time. If your time does not agree with God's, guess whose will need some adjustment, yours, of course.
If Joseph had depended in human influence to wangle him out of that prison, he would have ran ahead of his time. He would have come out earlier, but ran out of God's best. He wouldn't have had any dream to to interpret. To have stayed in the prison a little longer and then come out with honor was better than premature deliverance. be continued