Our Father has come to bring the sword.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #christianity7 years ago

It was only but a few nights ago that this occurred , the storms outside my window pounding upon the panes, as I too felt pains of a different order. I reached out with fingers splay to firmly grasp the world at my finger tips, in moments deep within a conversation with a friend thousands of miles from me. I found myself repeating the same social pleasantries which appear before any great conversation, fulfilling my obligation to the culture I belong, providing ample polite mannerisms as I discussed my well-being and the state of theirs.

It was with the crashing thunder and wailing wind that I did remark upon the state of God's creation and what we, his created, have done with it. I was taken aback as I read the text which flashed before my cerulean eyes. My heart stood still, in awe, for I too felt the same. My eyes closed in contemplation as I searched within, the storms of the world, the crashing of the thunder and all of God's great wonders fading for but a moment as my fingers began to sing, striking the notes of my keyboard.

The conversation went as Follows:
I have awoken to a world to which I do not belong. Surrounded on all sides by individuals who I do not know, nor could I ever identify. I am usurped by peer pressure, downtrodden with false guilt I am told to own, and I no longer feel as if this is the world I once knew. I have awoken upon a different planet, where right is wrong and wrong is right, where chaos is praised and order is to be mocked. Justice is now a traded commodity through which tyranny stands masked, her torch held upon high only to illuminate the crown which she wears upon her brow. This world has fallen and judgment awaits.

Their Reply:
This place has literally gone straight to hell, that's the truth. I swear I feel like it's the last days. I keep reading my bible daily and doing best I can. It's all we can do at this point. Hell on earth.

My response:
That's the truth.. It truly is. I can't help but wonder when, or why it happened. Yet I know the answer. Godlessness. Corruption of the youth; promotion of smut and the removal of Christ from all factors of life.

Science has become a religion that teaches self loathing, humiliation, self destruction; And the continual pursuit of how accidental, worthless and unimportant we are; Which just isn't the case. By design science can not recognize God; as Science does not practice faith and without faith, there is no substance to be tested, and there can never be the hope of any evidence as a result. Even though our bible tells us quite the opposite: Faith is the substance of thing's hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Which to a man of science is a fairy tale, whilst they speak of theories as if they have any more validity than the divine word of God which kept the planet at order for better than this for the last two Millennia.

*Regardless; The world will meet judgement, fallen upon it's own sword and as these people wince in pain weeping for mercy from a God they never loved he shall appear, with a face like the sun, upon a white stallion so it might be painted with their blood for he never knew them. Convenience has given way to an artificial mindset that man is greater than God; Yet remove the technology and man once again returns to a creature ill equipped to do little more than rub sticks together. If that were to occur, we haven't even the only redeeming factor that we once held dear; Unity amongst Men , social order, respect for family structure and a code of honor by which to live. We will sharpen spears to kill our neighbors for the convenience of feasting on their flesh; Rather than inconvenience ourselves with the task of hunting, fishing, or otherwise using what little earth is left and made available to farm. *

We are godless, forsaken and absolutely destitute and even the most elect of us; those who dare claim it, are of the filthiest of stinking rags; For we all have sin, the greatest are those who claim they have none, for their sin is so great that they have become sin itself, forgetting what it was to be innocent.

This is our future. Should god Send every single one of us to hell, even though I confess his son is lord, having died on the cross, and rose again. Should he send us all to hell even though I believe in his divine righteousness; Even then, if he sent us to hell, all of us, I could understand why.

Very respectfully, Valor

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