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RE: Thoughts for the day - 3/10/18

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

Mal 3:6 tells us that our God does not change.. true Christians are not blinded by the world's idea of "anything goes, as long as social media is in trends with it"
No!! We know the God we serve, we no what he requires from us, and what is it he requires from. Us than to exercise justice, cherish loyalty, and to walk modestly with him (Micah 6:8)


Yes and really everyone knows this! To give a simple example, they know the consequences of the poor choices they make while in relationships yet because the world promotes promiscuity, it must be OK. But who is really OK with it in the end. Heartbreak and confusion is at best the end result and of course it likely ends much worse.


This really amaze me sometimes...
Another example is the world's view that if you're in a relationship and there's no jealousy in it then it's either you don't love the person or the relationship won't last.

But the originator of healthy relationship had it penned down in his holy book that love is not jealous...
Isn't it common sense to know that you can't get any device and go against the producers manual and expect the device to last long? So why go against what the originator of relationship says and expect it to last?
I guess common sense is not actually common.