in #christianity7 years ago

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To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. Romans 2:7 New International Version

God allows all Christians to be offended. He will then observe whether you will obey His Word or not. Will you forgive the one who has offended you? When you walk in forgiveness, you attract God's mercy. Blessed are the merciful because they shall receive God's mercy . If you fail the test of hurts and offences, you exclude yourself from the mercy of God. When bitterness is in your spirit, you will no longer receive from God and He no longer answers your prayers.

Years ago, a minister said something, which I took seriously. He said, "It is important to always maintain a sweet spirit!" We must learn to live without bitterness.

When you go through the fire of financial difficulties, please do not succumb to the pressure. Do not become a murmurer. Do not become a complainer and do not become a thief! When you come under pressure in your marriage, please do not give up. Do not separate or divorce. Fight to achieve happiness. To survive, you need determination and a whole lot of faith. Be a survivor! I see you making it!

Someone asked me, "What have you been through? What have you survived?" "What have you suffered?" You see, the things a person has survived speak volumes about him. The credentials of survived tests are greater than the credentials of any educational institution.

READ: Acts 16:16-34

Dag Heward-Mills