Free Pizza, Students and the Good News

in #christianity6 years ago

My friends and I have been at our local university (UW-Eau Claire) on Wednesdays for the past couple months, sharing free pizza and the good news of Jesus Christ to as many as will receive it.

It's not hard to give away pizza to college students!


We show up there at around 11:30 am and by 12:15 or so, 16 boxes of pizza are all devoured!

Then we simply hand out invitations to our church with the pizza. The students don't have to take an invitation to get a slice, but we make it available to them.


I had the chance to chat with a few students at length. One of them, Mike, asked me about theological concepts like predestination, eternal security, sinless perfection, things he has heard from other groups on campus.

I told him, "God doesn't predestine us to hell. He sees all of time from a perspective as it having already occurred. So He knows who will choose Him and who will not. He gives out the offer to all: He who is thirsty, let him take of the free gift of the waters of eternal life."


As to eternal security, Mike asked, "I heard that once you're a Christian you can sin and it doesn't matter. That just doesn't seem to make sense."

He's right. It doesn't. Even an unbeliever knows better.

I told him along the lines of, "When you become a Christian, you will still sin, but it will not be your lifestyle. Your desire to sin will be replaced by a desire for God and the things of God. If you continue to sin without repentance after supposedly becoming a Christian, it shows you're not really a Christian. Or you're backsliding, but God will discipline you to keep on the path of righteousness."

The other extreme is the idea of sinless perfection--that once you're a Christian, you can achieve a state of moral enlightenment where you never sin again. Some have claimed to achieve it, but the only way to do that is lower the standard of Gods' righteousness down to a level that a human being can attain. It's not possible this side of eternity. But we definitely should "aim for perfection", just as the Apostle Paul advises us in 2 Corinthians 13:11.

I love it that these students are thinking about deep issues like eternity. May God draw Mike and many others to faith in Jesus Christ. I am looking forward to next school year!


Have a blessed day,


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As far as Mike is yarning for Christ ,the good Lord is ever ready to give them what they desire .

And may God strengthen you more as you work in his vineyard .

Remind bless .

It makes sense to feed the spirit, but not to forget the body; it's hard to concentrate with a growling stomach. Plus, it's hard to turn down pizza at lunch time.