RE: Reflecting on the Modern Church (or maybe just some rambling thoughts from a Christian cyclist)
@hebrewhousewife Thank you! I haven't discover that part of steemit yet, mostly keep to the homesteading topics. We also recently said goodbye to Internet at our home (besides the spotty mobile data on our phones), so my online time is very limited (mostly work related). We started a small group a couple of years ago (if 5-6 couples + kids can be considered small?) and I meet weekly with a peer to go over accountability questions (confess your sins, one to another - James 5:15). We also, as a couple, have some future plans for our homestead that are very much related to outreach, fellowship, and mentoring. Please keep those in your prayers, I know He will prepare the way if it is meant to be. I do not want my efforts to be in vain and my energy wasted.