Some Days Are Good....And Bad

in #christianity7 years ago

My posts as of late have been general updates on my life and I apologize for that. I am just going through so much with trying to find a place to move to and training my replacement. Add in school, my duties to the Ministry and Church, as well as the ten million things I try to do on a daily basis, and you can see why I have not had time to give the proper research and attention to my regular recovery related posts.

Please forgive me?


How today began...

I had an appointment to look at an apartment today that I thought would be great for me. The location was good for me riding the bus, it was in my budget, and had all the amenities you could want.

Of course it was too good to be true.

When I got there I immediately realized that it was something odd. You had to go through an office to get to the apartment. Then the lady tells me that it's really an apartment where they rent individual rooms. I am not trying to live with other people! I do that now! Especially people I don't even know! Seems like they would put that in the advertisement right?


Had to get a meeting.

So today was a milestone for me. I hit two years clean and sober today and one year with no smoking. Being a member of A.A. I wanted to go to a meeting and share the day with others in recovery. We do this not as a braggadocios thing, but as inspiration to others, and you get a really cool coin in honor of it!

After the disappointing experience at the apartment I went to a noon meeting, because by that point frankly, I needed one!

So I get to the meeting and when the chair asked if their was any anniversaries, I raised my hand. He left the room and came back and said that they didn't have any 2 year coins. I knew they had the expensive 24k plated ones but they don't give them out for free. I wanted my coin!

So I bought one myself... $25!

But I got my coin!

Another appointment.

So I continued to look at apartment advertisements, and continued to call on them after the meeting until I spoke to a kind gentleman that agreed to meet with me and show me a place he had to rent.

It was perfect! Quiet and secure, not far from my school, and on the bus line. I spoke to him at length and he is meeting me tomorrow to fill out the application.

Say a prayer for me on that one!

More bad news.

If you remember the other day I wrote about one of the residents deciding to move out. I was not broke up about it as he was not really "Rowing the boat" anyway.

Well today I found out that he was over at one of our graduates house drinking with him. I am really very upset about this. He knew this guy was in a relapse and that we were trying to get him to go to treatment, but he decides to help by going to drink with him!

Some people are ridiculous and have no shame, but that is what the disease of addiction does to people...

I know I have to show this guy the love of Jesus, but I will be honest...If I would have saw him today I probably would have had to help him pick up his teeth...

Then there was the car...

After leaving the apartment I had to stop and get gas in the Ministry vehicle we were driving. As soon as we filled up the check engine light came on and the car started spitting and sputtering. It was driving really bad so I called my boss, who was of course was extremely happy to hear that news. He told me to take it to the shop we use, so we limped the car there and called to get picked up.

Now I have to get all my guys where they need to be with one vehicle down.

Good times!

Please Read.

If you have enjoyed this post and would like to read more about a hard-core drug addict that has been redeemed by Jesus, please follow and support me. Also, we have succeeded in creating a chat room on Discord for Recovery and Addiction issues! Please go --HERE-- to join and be a part of our online support network.

My Bosses have given me permission to mention the name of our Ministry in my blogs. I work at Endeavor House Ministries Inc. in Lansing, Michigan. If you look us up you can see us on Facebook, and at You can donate to the Ministry through PayPal if you want to.

Thank you and God Bless!

Image Credit: 1


wish u good luck in all ur endeavors

ups and downs a part of life @nobutsd God bless you give you success in your life

Thank you!

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Best Of luck

your life is a lesson to me.God bless you abundantly

Hello friend, do not worry, at least it does not bother me that you talk about your personal life. We are here to support you, have a happy night.

Hello dear friend @nobutsd, a pleasure to say hello, do not worry, we are not here to judge anyone, but to support us. With me you can count and for me it is a pleasure to read your block. Blessings