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RE: What does the Bible say about the dead? - Part 1

Hi @lastdays and thanks for adding to the conversation.

I agree with you, in that in heaven there will be people who will have thoughts, feelings and will praise God. But there's a sequential order of events that need to take place first and I think this is key to understanding how Matthew 25:46 can make sense in light of the previous scriptures I provided that says the dead have no thoughts, etc.

If you read several verses before Matthew 25:46, for example, read from verse 31-46. You'll clearly see that scripture is talking about when Jesus returns. So yes, when He returns the dead in Christ will be resurrected and the living in Christ will be able to have thoughts and feelings, etc.

You see, the sequential order of events presented in the Bible (which all early followers of Christ believed) is as follows:

  1. You die (or as it's referred to in other places in scripture "sleep").
  2. Jesus returns (This has not happened yet).
    1. Those who are saved are risen from the dead and taken to heaven
    2. Those living are also taken to heaven.
    3. Those who are alive and wicked receive the 1st death.
  3. After 1000 years Jesus returns again with saints who have been saved.
  4. Jesus resurrects the wicked for a final judgment is given to the wicked. The devil, his demons and the wicked die for the final time and sin is removed from existence forever.

In regards to the book of Ecclesiastes, the main idea of "under the sun" deals with things of "man" and the writer (believed to be Solomon) is drawing the reader into understanding that following "mans" ways of seeking happiness is futile. Instead, seek for things "above the sun" or "heavenly things." The author continually sees the emptiness and futility of power, prestige, and pleasure apart from God. The answer to true fulfillment in life is found in accepting all that comes in life as "from the hand of God" (2:24). The conclusion of the book is to fear God and keep His commandments. That is the entirety of the book.

Therefore, "under the sun" has nothing to do with when a person has everything to do with how you live.
