Australian Leonard Warwick is role model to all Americans but...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #christmas5 years ago

The Answer of the question of what to do with the American family court system is not a very palettable one in the United states. For centuries, even thousands of years, western values has depended upon speech and reason. We have, of course, had hiccups along the way. And as a conseqences through wars and political machinations we have had answers and corrections. The current trajectory of the family courts unlawful use of force against men, fathers, and children will and should lead to our deadly response against our lawless judges. It is estimated these illegal orders causes 20 000 male suicides a year, not to mention countless homicides and murder suicides. Stuff that our Obama judges don't want us to talk about under threat of arrest, as the socialist left seeks to exterminate the white race and western values-even as democrats in mostly white states laugh about their own extinction. So I will put her name out there, and call for the congress to kick that retarded drunk out of the federal judiciary. Not that I think anyone will listen-they are too busy trying to remove a Good man from the presidency. The inability to use speech and reason to abolish the illegal practices of the family courts necessitate the need for a war to abolish these illegal institutions. They leave us no peaceful remedy, as Judge Ross holds there is no right to appeal these things. Imagine that, a federal judge overtly declares that the right to petition government for a redress of grievances doesn't exist-that these unconstitutional prior restraints issued in chancery that lacks chancery jurisdiction to begin with cannot be challenged in a superior court. That one single corrupt family court judge can dismiss the entire constitution itself without any accountability or review-except death. So should they be sentenced. This is why we have to keep democrats out of office, not that federalist jurist are much better. We need to stop putting the antichrists on the bench in the first place. You can vote yourself into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out. We are clearly at the letter end of the spectrum. If you don't know that now, just wait until your first summons to these star chambers

I want to keep this short, and not repeat what I have previously blogged. The 1790 invention of the prison system has been the first of many mistakes in the America. From that the bane of liberty has followed where people were punished on the concept of pre-crime deterrence. And from that we have used the prison system for the sole basis of control. Ch 2 of Marxism expected the destruction of the traditional family unit to be natural, and in the 1970s the women's lib movement wanted to Bolshevik that ideas. In 1976 that was first used in Pennsylvania in divorce cases to gag men, and nationalized under VAWA in courts that have no jurisdiction. They also started to infest Australia nationally in the 1980s.About the same time, 1994, that VAWA was implemented in the United states, similar measures were taken at the United nations and the Organization of American states. Joe Biden is a globalist tool who gets to evade any and all criticism.
We have a situation in the United states-guided by global communist (aka globalist)-much worse than what had existed in England in 1688 during the prosecution of the 7 bishops. The people's response then was to call in King William of Orange to declare war against the crown, and similarly today we must reach the same conclusion in regard to the family court judges. With the OAS choosing the path of reducing men to animals, they too have effectively declared that for men to reclaim their basic humanity, to reclaim their kids, to speak, and to use reason, is the return to the first institute of justice which is the wilderness for which we are left no other venue. We must not only reject the jurisdiction of the family courts, but we must violently oppose these invaders with lethal force. Some might correctly point out this is unlawful advocacy, but the truth is, our own judiciary has made my statements axiomatic. If they do not like this tautology, then they need to stop breaking the law. I am merely warning people what they are up against, and the only remedy that the courts have afforded them is to use violence against the judges.

I was trying to investigate on google the number of deaths by family court judges. Needless to say the SJWs at google have tailored the results to encouraging gagging people of their speech rights. But I did find an incident from the 1980s, from Austallia-you know, at the launch of the TPOs there. I would say that the man is a true patriot and freedom fighter, where had this happened in America we would finally have our John Brown moment against these invaders, but i could be mistaken and I will get to that later.

Prosecutors in Australia have alleged that Leonard Warwicks conduct in Australia during the 1980s. Numerous people were killed including his brother in a law. But most notably, he stood accused of offing family court judges one by one.

Mr Warwick is also charged with the 1980 shooting murder of Justice David Opas; the bombing of Justice Richard Gee's home and of the Family Court building in Parramatta in 1984; and, in the same year, the bombing of the home of Justice Ray Watson in which his wife, Pearl Watson, was killed.

Given the situation that the democrats have presented us here in America, this is exactly the kind of behavior that Americans must engage in to deal with these corrupt lawless judges that sit in family court proceedings. They give us no choice. And republicans and democrats are both scheming to give the states more power to take away our speech rights as they seek to reauthorize VAWA. Of course, I am not advocating violence upon policy makers. Anyone of use could be a policy marker someday and we are not perfect. Public debate is the first check but no oneis reading the bills anymore, the governor or president is the second check, and the judges our third check and traditionally last check, and treaty is our final check for the few that can make it that far. We have higher expectations upon the judiciary, our last line of defense, who knowingly and willingly violate our speech rights, our gun rights, our family rights, our due process rights, our property rights, our jury trial rights, and our reputation, our jobs, our credit scores, etc, on nothing more than an allegation because someone wants to use the force of the government as an unfair advantage in the family unit or other controversy between otherwise rational adults, or to silence people in the political process. The trial court judges know better; they'll even admit in courts that they understand the jurisdictional legal arguments before they violate the law anyways!

Were men always reasonable, they would terminate their contests by the arms of reason only; natural justice and equity would be their rule, or their judge. Force is a wretched and melancholy expedient against those who spurn at justice, and refuse to listen to the remonstrances of reason: but, in short, it becomes necessary to adopt that mode, when every other proves ineffectual. It is only in extremities that a just and wise nation, or a good prince, has recourse to it, as we have shown in the concluding chapter of the second book.
-Law of nations book III, ch 25. Vattel.

Granted though Mr. Warwick is accused of killing many innocent people-but otherwise was very precise in his alleged campaign. The deaths of innocents is unfortunate, but war will always have casualties which is why we should avoid it at all costs....and presently we are losing some 20000 men a year who are not fighting back. And where the state does not leave men the right to petition, a state does everything it can to advance a war. If each one of them of the 20000 took out a family court judge, I am pretty sure we could be a free nation once again and many more lives would be saved.

WHOEVER entertains a true idea of war, — whoever considers its terrible effects, its destructive and unhappy consequences, will readily agree that it should never be undertaken without the most cogent reasons. Humanity revolts against a sovereign, who, without necessity or without very powerful reasons, lavished the blood of his most faithful subjects, and exposes his people to the calamities of war, when he has it in his power to maintain them in the enjoyment of an honourable and salutary peace. And if to this imprudence, this want of love for his people, he moreover adds injustice towards those he attacks, — of how great a crime, or rather, of what a frightful scries of crimes, does he not become guilty! Responsible for all the misfortunes which ho draws down on his own subjects, he is moreover loaded with the guilt of all those which he inflicts on an innocent nation. The slaughter of men, the pillage of cities, the devastation of provinces, — such is the black catalogue of his enormities. He is responsible to God, and accountable to human nature, for every individual that is killed, for every hut that is burned down.
Law of nations book 3, v ch 24. Vattel

In the family courts, it is the judges who make their own laws. They are the law makers who exceed their constitutional authority that must be rebelled against.

Where-ever law ends, tyranny begins, if the law be transgressed to another’s harm; and whosoever in authority exceeds the power given him by the law, and makes use of the force he has under his command, to compass that upon the subject, which the law allows not, ceases in that to be a magistrate; and, acting without authority, may be opposed, as any other man, who by force invades the right of another.
-Book II of the two treatises of civil government, ss 202, John Locke.

The state of war is a state of enmity and destruction: and therefore declaring by word or action, not a passionate and hasty, but a sedate settled design upon another man’s life, puts him in a state of war with him against whom he has declared such an intention, and so has exposed his life to the other’s power to be taken away by him, or any one that joins with him in his defence, and espouses his quarrel; it being reasonable and just, I should have a right to destroy that which threatens me with destruction: for, by the fundamental law of nature, man being to be preserved as much as possible, when all cannot be preserved, the safety of the innocent is to be preferred: and one may destroy a man who makes war upon him, or has discovered an enmity to his being, for the same reason that he may kill a wolf or a lion; because such men are not under the ties of the common-law of reason, have no other rule, but that of force and violence, and so may be treated as beasts of prey, those dangerous and noxious creatures, that will be sure to destroy him whenever he falls into their power.
-Book II of the two treatises of civil government, ss 16, John Locke.

The feminist Lobby is a cancer in America, and it is long overdue for their policies to be eradicated. Some 50+ years overdue. People are entitled to having bad idea, and the remedy is good ideas. But they milk the federal government of billions of dollars to do bogus studies for propaganda, they host back door meetings with judges off the judicial record to taint the courtroom with issues that never get raised in the court room and thus can't be raised on appeal to taint all male defendants/respondents in a virtual, if not literal, bill of attainder, and then seeks to silence and disappear us if we speak out against them. These communist on the bench who do the feminists bidding ought to be destroyed without exception for failing to respect our God Given natural and constitutional rights.

source: star wars, probably return of the jedi

and if you haven't realized it, the Sith were the good libertarian guys.

source: star wars, revenge of the Sith

Sounds very similar to what the family courts do to us and our children? Just learn to accept your losses of everythng important to you, go through life without attachments? Screw that, accept being robbed blind of everything that really matters in life and live with no meaning, no joy, no happiness, and only misery, depression, and bereavement. Where everyone can equally be shabby in robes of flour sacks. Do not enjoy living life, accept suffering.
What was master Yoda warning about? He was scared that Anakin might find his humanity, a much greater truth, find happiness and love, and understand the evil lies of the cult he was in. In the end Anakin escaped the cult and turned against and killed nearly all the Jedi and sand people responsible for his mother's death and expected death of Padme.

source: star wars, revenge of the Sith
“In reference to you, colored people, let me say God has made you free. Although you have been deprived of your God-given rights by your so-called masters, you are now as free as I am, and if those that claim to be your superiors do not know that you are free, take the sword and bayonet and teach them that you are; for God created all me free, giving to each the same rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Abe Lincoln at Richmond

This is what we Americans should be doing with the family court judges who deprive us of our families, our speech, and our children. But we don't like in a world that recognizes our right to use lightsabers of Blasters in Self defense, let alone a world that wants us to remember that #HansShotFirst. Nor do we like the idea of war, even if poverty coerces enlistment during a war for so many. But the left has proven to be a bunch of terrorists, and you don't negotiate with terrorist; You kill them. They have forced the hands of men and fathers to be justified to use lethal force against the family court judges. They have called for their own deaths, and have called upon the peace loving men in our country to violate our obedience to God to participate in the vile act of their assisted suicide, and we are forced to lie to ourselves to justify not acquiescing still trying to cling to peace until we forfeit our own lives. We must fight back, even if we can't fight back with physical force, we much speak back with as much violent rhetoric as possible to let them understand the boundaries that they are forbidden to cross less we effectively waive our God Given Rights.

-Trigun/Vash the Stampede.

The reason why Leonard is not the John Brown roll model that the men's, father's, and human rights movement needed, was because he might be actually innocent. I am not sure if he will win his argument, but we'll see.

Still nonetheless, there was some Australian some 40 years ago, even if it wasn't him, who knew that the only way to deal with family court corruption was to get rid of the family court judges one judge at a time. Make the rest of the panic in fear and understand the grave evil they are doing, to force the debate, and get them to quit their profession or otherwise force the judges to stop violating the law. This, my fellow Americans, should be what every father does this Christmas holiday if he is flooded with suicidal ideation-Why should you die for their unlawful activity. If you die, did they not commit your murder and will there be any justice or accountability. It is the opportunity to obtain justice for their attempt of murder against you and their ultimate depersonizing you by depriving you of logos, your opportunity to prosecute your appeal to heaven and be able to have a voice that was never before permitted. Make the family court judge's family experience your pain for the rest of their lives-let them know the reason why their loves one isn't at the table is because they spent their entire careers ensuring countless men would painfully spend their lives alone. Don't get violent against your ex, save everyone by removing the lawless judges. Make America Great Again, one family court judge at a time. Even if you end up as a prisoner, you might have more rights as a father than you do as a freeman. See Lassiter v department of social services. We live in a clown world,and with the global communism, almost no one is safe anywhere.

The OAS, SCOTUS, 11th circuit, and northern district of Georgia, and Cobb County Superior courts, created and endorse the call for action for American to slaughter their lawless family court judges. This message is stored on the block chain. they can destroy me for which they pretty much completed the first time, but they cannot destroy my ideas. If they wish to stop my ideas, it is necessary that they change policy to start respecting the constitutional rights of men. We are long overdue for a John Brown Moment in the USA against the family courts. Leonard Warwick should be the symbolic figurehead and ideal of the men's right movement if he did indeed purge the Australian courts of their communist family court bastards.


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Here are some more incidents from the u.k.

Justice ministry under pressure to curb attacks on family court judges
This article is more than 6 years old
• Official records reveal 26 incidents in a year, including assaults
• Parents in custody disputes spit and throw chairs at judges

Chair tossing. I'd include a boondocks video, but I don't want to the n word here at the moment. The people who attacked the judges deserve the nations highest praise and honors.

Boy all the world governments are going to hate me.