CHRISTMAS a religion of Shadows

in #christmas6 years ago

Vincent Cheung.
Commentary on Colossians.

A Reminder that CHRISTMAS is merely a Religious Festival. Because of this Paul puts it in a religion of Shadows

"... Direct Contact with God is not enough for them...

.. .then what about those Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, and others, who criticize other believers for failing to observe Easter and Christmas? They say that these are good days to remember Christ, and that these are great opportunities to draw attention to the faith. But first, the Bible does not teach this – to say that these are the advantages is itself a human tradition and opinion. And second, our passage explicitly tells believers to defy those who judge them on this issue. Anyone who then makes a negative judgment or criticism finds himself on the other side, in opposition to the apostle. All arguments are futile. This is the end of the discussion.
Nevertheless, it is a curious phenomenon that so many are attracted to a religion of shadow instead of a religion of reality. They prefer the symbol over the substance. And if there are no authorized symbols, because the substance has come, then they will invent some for themselves. And on the basis of tending to these symbols, they even assert a spiritual superiority over those who tend to the substance and the reality.
When we consider the nature of many of these symbols, we notice that they have at least three major characteristics. First, they appeal to the senses. Various tools, garments, and decorations appeal to the sense of sight. Special singings and instruments appeal to the sense of hearing. Food and drink appeal to the sense of taste. Candles and incenses appeal to the sense of smell. These are just a small list of examples, and some go further than others in organizing their entire religion into one for the senses. Second, they require much human effort and participation. The exercise of these symbols often demand elaborate arrangement and organization. Sometimes they require self-imposed labor and suffering.
Third, and people are often blind to this, they erect a barrier between God and man. Instead of going to God directly and regularly, they institute special days and rituals, and utilize special tools and trinkets. So while God invites all believers to come boldly to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16 Therefore let us approach with confidence to the throne of grace, in order that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.) , it almost seems that these people would rather participate in their man-made rituals in order to delay coming to him.
Given these characteristics of a shadow religion, we may infer several reasons behind its attraction. A religion of shadow is in fact a religion of the flesh. It purports to be more spiritual, but in reality it is all of the flesh. It appeals to the sensation and not to the intellect, to the feeling faculties of man and not to his thinking faculties. In connection with this, a religion of shadow is more concrete or even more "real," that is, from the perspective of the flesh. It is less spiritual and less intellectual, but more physical and sensual. This is what the carnal mind wants. Christianity is too spiritual and too intellectual for a fleshly mentality. Related to this is the sense that in a religion of shadow there is more for the flesh to do and more for the flesh to control. And by equating one's spirituality with fleshly activities, such a religion accommodates the pride and unbelief of its adherents. Then, some people prefer a religion of shadow simply because they are bored with the actual Christian faith.
Christ is complete, and his work is complete – he does not need them to add anything. And for some, this is just unacceptable, and boring. There is not enough in a religion of reality to satisfy their lust for sensual and animalistic stimulation.
Based on the above observations, the simple way to explain the attraction of a religion of shadow is that it is really for people who do not like God very much. A simple lifestyle of reading about him, thinking about him, talking about him, and praying to him is not enough. A direct contact with God through the mind with minimal sensual activities and distractions is unattractive and frustrating to them. Their lust for fleshly stimulation thus invents more complicated theories to believe and elaborate rituals to perform....

“...See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the [First Principles] of this world rather than Christ [being your First Principle]. …

Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ..."
