Chromia Mainnet: The Most Anticipated Mainnet By Crypto Enthusiast

in #chromia4 years ago

Mainnets practically shows that a project has moved from just idea to total accomplishment. You may want to consider mainnet as essential technical aspect of investing in any cryptocurrencies. Mainnet however is not synonymous to price growth because it’s difficult to tell exactly what effect mainnets have on short-term price changes. However, they do indicate the potential for better overall functionality. Some of the factors that could determine if mainnet could bring about increase in price include the overall market trends as well as real-world adoption.
What is mainnet?
Essentially, most blockchain project has a mainnet. So, what is it? Simply put, a mainnet is the main network, whereby actual transactions take place on a distributed ledger.
Projects possessing a mainnet will undoubtedly have more credibility and this would be the case of Chromia.
Chromia mainnet!
This comes in 2 phases:

  1. Bootstrap Mainnet
  2. Mvp mainnet
    Bootstrap Mainnet, went live on the 12th of December, forms the basis of chromia native token system. Tokens were registered and assigned to users, but was not be accessible to end users.
    Transfers of tokens issued on the bootstrap mainnet to ERC20 will be managed through a gateway operated by Chromia. The primary purpose of bootstrap tokens will be to remunerate providers and to fine-tune economic incentive models of chromia platform.
    MVP mainnet
    With the upcoming Mvp mainnet of chromia platform in Q2 2020, the platform would have been fully developed and numerous dapps could easily launch on the chromia blockchain. Already, the Green Assets Wallet was launched as the first flagship app on chromia along with the the boostrap mainnet.Any developer looking to build quality dapps would be able to do so when MVP mainnet goes live.
    www.chromia .com