The early church and Barnabas: He was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. Acts 11:23

in #church3 months ago

The Book of Acts tells the history of the early Church through the actions and words of the most notable doctors, prophets, and disciples of Christ. And one of the characters that the Book of Acts highlights is Barnabas, a man filled with the Holy Spirit.
The Bible begins its story by describing how the disciples were scared and confused after the death of Jesus, but with the action of the Holy Spirit in the celebration of Pentecost, the Church was born and the disciples received a renewed strength from above to fulfill the mission that the Lord Jesus had given them, to bring the gospel, and the message of the kingdom of God, to all the corners of the earth.
And with these words, the Bible began the story of Barnabas' life in the early Church, a notable member of the Church of Jerusalem: "Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas ( which means ´son of encouragement´), sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles' feet" Acts 4:36-37.
And after a long silence, the Book of Acts relates that Barnabas was sent to the Church of Antioch, because a few believers in Jesus had evangelized many pagans in that city, after the persecution that broke out as a consequence of the martyrdom of Stephen. This is how the Bible relates what happened in the Church of Antioch when Barnabas arrived: "When he arrived and saw what the grace of God had done, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts" Acts 11:23.
But Barnabas' responsibility in the early Church did not end at this point, because Barnabas also went to look for Paul in the city of Tarsus, after his conversion and baptism, remaining with Paul for more than a year in Antioch teaching the word of God. It is also reported that Barnabas was chosen along with Paul by the Holy Spirit to make the first missionary journey, until finally Barnabas said goodbye to Paul and headed for Cyprus, when Paul set out on his second missionary journey. The Bible does not make any further account of Barnabas, however, this apostle and saint is placed as one of the great examples of faith for his devotion and mercy towards others.
The early church and Barnabas. He was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. Acts 11,23.jpg
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