CONFIRMED! This Alt Media is Fake News. CIA not raided by Marines.

in #cia7 years ago (edited)

CONFIRMED! This Alt Media is Fake News. CIA not raided by Marines.

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I went around and looked for ANY actual evidence, meaning photos, named eye witnesses, videos, news reports, anything. I found a big nothing burger. I am always willing to retract my video IF I am proven wrong by some NEW evidence, however at this point there is no evidence whatsoever, just word of mouth by people that repeatedly push bs for views.

Links to "the evidence" of a Mars Invasion lulz:

April Lajune: "Confirmed Marines at Langley":

April Lajune AGAIN:

Hal Turner article stating 2200 Marines invaded the CIA on Saturday:

Voat Post I referenced:

I am always open to changing my mind if you can provide actual evidence, not hearsay, and not claims from April of someone she "knows", enough of this oh I am special because I have contacts that I cannot divulge bullshit. That is the crap the MSM does and we slam, either name your sources or stop blasting out bullshit.

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The link you provided for April Lajune: "Confirmed Marines at Langley" is incorrect. Fix the URL in markdown. I had to copy and paste the address for it to work.

Sorry about that. fixed it. Thanks!

I'm glad you addressed THIS particular piece of news @titusfrost.
Could you also do a report on whether there IS a Comet Ping Pong investigation as well? I'm still seeing some conflicting information on that particular bit of news as well.

Kind regards.

It's really annoying Titus, they try so hard, and it just makes things worse for the real researches. I am seeing a lot of stuff posted from April. As soon as I start hearing conjecture and speculation, I turn it off, which is usually within a few moments of her videos. That's not real journalism and at least say, "it hasn't been confirmed" or "I am just speculating here" or some disclaimer, cause it makes it look really bad for the real researchers.
So Titus, what do you think about this Q-Anon character over on 4Chan?
Unlike you, I don't get to go around and check things out, but I do have a strong intuition and a few tools that I use to help me clarify what the heck is going on. What are your thoughts??
I find it interesting that there was a time when 4Chan was considered the worst place to get and real valid intel and now, the alternative media are doing their level best to decipher the cryptic messages this Q-Anon leaves there. They are literally attempting to validate its authenticity some even saying that it's really Donald Trump. Are they that desperate to save face or what?
Check out my YouTube channel The YouTube thought police have been giving me the blues to and I have a really small audience, but they obviously don't like me too much.

I also wanted to thank you for telling me about steemit. I haven't really made any steem over here but I like the ease of use a lot. It took them a long time to verify my account but I'm in now!!

Okay, peace & Blessings, Nana Baakan

Thanks for this. I wish I had seen your post on this before I wrote mine last night.

I can't tell what's real anymore...

One thing that was nagging at the back of my mind about April is she was "breaking this stuff" from Colorado. I noted this because I live in Colorado. So, could she have contacts that are breaking things to her? Sure. But, why? If it is truly big and important there are much bigger Alt Media outlets.

nice post, your news is fine, your voice nice,
@followed and upvoted

April LaJune is a fucking lunatic, that's the most polite way I can think of to say it. I can't think of one bit of factual information she's put out!