Join the Classroom Challenge!! - win $1000+ Extended

in #classroomchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Come on students, take action and start today.

Dear classrooms all over the world,

update 25th January. Please use this post to reply/rules. The challenge is extended to 1 February

  • Did you ever hear from social media website Steemit?
  • Did you know you can start earning money by just using

Enter the:

Classroom challenge

To start :

please first request an account here

Please note that an account has to be approved. This can take some time. Why? Steemit.Inc must delegate you some Steem cryptocurrency before you can start interacting on the network. To avoid abuse the approval can take some time.

What is the classroom challenge?

This challenge is to promote Steemit worldwide. Facebook started on a college and YOU are the future and can help us bring Steemit to the next level.

What does my class get?

The @jerrybanfield fund will sponsor 200 Steem which is about $1000 dollar now.

Make money, really?

Just look to this post of 5 hours ago days ago.

This post has a value of $600+
So yes, for each post or reply, different then Facebook / Instagram you have the opportunity to receive upvotes (likes) which represents real money!!

Some rules for winning the sponsored amount of Steem for the classroom challenge.

  • In your class need to be at least 20 People
  • Each class member must create a new account on steemit ( The account must be created after 17 January 2018 ( one exception allowed if you already had an account)
  • Each class member must make at least one post on Steemit and use the tag #classroomchallenge
  • Resteem this post
  • Your own class members must follow each other.
    [ changed below rules to make it more clear]
  • Each class member make a post on Facebook or Instagram that you are competing in this challenge.
  • Each class member reply on this post with the Facebook or Instagram post(link) and do a resteem.


The winner will be the first class (20+) who replies to this post with one picture of the whole class together holding a sign with your Steemit username and signup date.

Each class member will receive his/her share of the total price money. So if 20 people did enter and all 20 are on this picture you will receive 200 Steem/ 20 = 10 Steem each. (= $50)

Good luck and enjoy the power of Steemit. You will be amazed how nice this community will be and remember you are still an early pioneer of this social media platform.

Kind regards,


For the Sponsors:

Thank you @jerrybanfield for the funding of this classroom challenge.

Thank you @adsactly for promoting this post.
Last but not least:
Participants please follow Jerry Banfield and Adsactly on Steemit. They have fantastic information how you can grow in this community.

Some links with information how to use Steemit:

Go Jerry

Go Adsactly


great. am in already

i have edited it.

read the post here


i have concluded my task presently waiting for the remaining 4 to make a first post

Wait, they're still solving. hahaha


I love this idea! I’ll talk to my classes about it today.

Some of my students loved the idea and talked to me after class. Others were more skeptical. The main questions they asked were: "Where does the money come from?" and "How do I get paid in real dollars and cents?" I tried to explain as best as I could, but I've still not grasped the answer to the last question. Does anyone reading this have a good answer or source I can give to my classes which would explain the process?

Everone asked that please check some video's from @exyle he has some vids about it

Thank you

and enter the competition..

I guess i am done now right?

Is this contest still open or do we already have a winner

Hello @rival. I already have a class of 20. I sent the picture earlier.

I will make a post on facebook that I am participating in this contest.

I will get all my class members to write a post.

What else do I need to do.

Pheww. This is hectic but I am a Steemit evangelist

Please read the rules carefully, as I check everything if all is completed. 200 Steem is sponsored by @jerrybanfield and this is a big price so.
Let me know which questions you have about the rules.

i dont really have any question about the rules. But some of my students are not on facebook on instagram. What should i do about that. I have 19 students already plus me making 20.

the registrations are ongoing and all will be done soon.

just the Facebook issue and i guess you should bend it. I have a facebook account with 5000 friends and i can post it. I post about steemit and facebook and i preach the gospel most of the time. Check my blog for more info

i have concluded the lecture

  • In your class need to be at least 20 People
  • Each class member must create a new account on steemit ( The account must be created after 17 January 2018 ( one exception allowed if you already had an account)
  • Each class member must make at least one post on Steemit and use the tag #classroomchallenge
  • Resteem this post
  • Your own class members must follow each other.
    [ changed below rules to make it more clear]
  • Each class member make a post on Facebook or Instagram that you are competing in this challenge.
  • Each class member reply on this post with the Facebook or Instagram post(link) and do a resteem.

I made some clarification about this rules. The intention is to have a big visibility for this challenge and to have more and more Steemit promotion.

its cool but not all my students are on facebook or instagram.

i have edited it.

read the post here


i have concluded my task presently waiting for the remaining 4 to make a first post