Clever tailor and soldier (Roman mythology)

in #clever3 years ago


Clever tailor and soldier (Roman mythology)

Once upon a time, a few friends met somewhere. In conversation, a friend mentioned a tailor. He said that tailoring is a great skill. Be careful, but he does his job and doesn't leave without stealing clothes.

There was also a soldier sitting there. "It's very difficult to deceive me," he said, bragging. If he blows some cloth from the stall, I will lose the horse including the saddle.

The next day, the soldier took the Atlas station and went to the tailor. He tied his horse to one side and went to the tailor and said, Tailor! I have heard that you are very clever. You may be betting on others, but I am not going to bet on you.

The tailor said qiblah! Who put doubt in your heart? Working age has passed. I consider it haraam to cut a piece. I may even burn another owl, but when can bodies like yours deceive me? When the tailor took the scissors in his hand, the soldier sat up alert and put his eyes on the tailor's eyes.

The tailor thought that he should be distracted by talking and joking, so he started telling her this joke.

A tailor got married. The wife was literate, she remembered thousands of poems by teachers. One day, after reciting poems, she started asking her husband for blessings and asked him to tell her what he understood. What a dust he understands! He did not even remember the whole alphabet. When his wife insisted, he sat down and shook his head. The wife said, "I swear you understand the meaning of the poems and give me the impression that I am not literate."

The husband said, "I will tell you whatever comes to my mind." The wife said yes. He said, "By Allah, I do not see you staring at me." Hearing this joke, the soldier burst into laughter. The tailor seized the opportunity and cut a quarter off from the station.

The soldier said, "Yes, let there be another joke." The tailor told another such joke. The soldier's stomach ached with laughter. Laughing, the tailor grabbed a quarter of the cloth and cut it off when it hit the ground.

Then the Turkish soldier ordered that the teacher! Tell me another joke. The tailor said there was no more time. Measure the skin quickly or it will get worse and the body will get tired. On the other hand, the tailor sat down to make the soldier's shirt, and on the other hand, the soldier saw that his horse had been stolen by a thief.

Lesson: A soldier here refers to a person who, on the pretext of his piety, goes into the company of the devil and, like the devil's tailor, engages him in the desires of the flesh (jokes and jokes); Cuts with day scissors.
