Clickbank Newbie Makes $5000 In Just 2 Weeks

in #clickbank7 years ago

Here’s the method which worked for me and again, we are not going to spam Facebook.

  1. Create a new Facebook account.
  2. Enter complete information in this profile. You want to use your real name or not
    it depends upon you. I didn’t use my real name but my nick name.
    After making your profile, start browsing Facebook and find people
    having more than 100 friends and see what they’ve shared in their profile. If someone has
    shared a website link or a picture on his profile, you can comment on it. Before
    commenting on it, click ‘Like’ to make that person happy. The comment should be too
    good so that it gets noted by a lot of people.

Here is a decent comment you can make if someone has shared a money
making website link on his wall. “Great! I really liked the website you’ve shared. I think,
I should follow this method and find if it can help me in making money. Do you have
more links to share?”
Please note, not all the people allow everyone to post on their walls. As
soon as you comment on their links, you will get noticed. If you’ve an interesting profile,
then people will start sending you friend requests, because they will like to share more
links with you. Your work is just to accept the friend requests. Don’t forget to ‘Like’ the
status of other people. In that way, you will surely get noticed, because the profile owner
will know that you’ve liked his/her link. I asked you to comment on those people link
who have atleast 100 friends, because when both of you will become friends, it will be
further noticed by 100 Facebook users! Got idea?
I never sent even a single friend request on Facebook, I kept on accepting
the friend requests from everyone and was able to add 500 friends in 8 days. This method
is completely whitehat and I never spammed Facebook, Did I? If you think, putting
decent comments on other people status updates is spamming then what about ‘manual
blog commenting’?
Now, I had 500 Facebook friends to start but I was in the search of other Facebook tools
to give my free report a great exposure. After spending 2 more days on the internet and
spending my time to find new Facebook tools, I found a really powerful and interesting
way to give my free report a viral push. I bet that majority of internet marketers don’t
know about it and even if they know, they don’t know how to use it to the maximum
advantage. This method sent thousands of Facebook users to my website and I got
countless downloads of my free report which resulted in a lot of Clickbank hops and I
made a $5000 in just 2 weeks (and still making…)!
Ok, Can you tell me which method of getting visitors is better?

  1. You share the link to your free report on your 500 friends Facebook wall and
    anyone can visit your website and download your free report OR
  2. You share the link to your free report on your 500 friends Facebook wall and
    everyone who wants to download your report has to share the same link on his
    own wall to download the report and visitors coming from that link also have to
    do the same.

Definitely, second method is really powerful. In first method you get
visitors only from your profile but in second method you are able to use the power of
viral traffic. You will get the visitors from unlimited Facebook profiles, because everyone
who is willing to read your report will have to share your website link on their Facebook
wall. Don’t worry! I am not going to recommend you any software or a script, neither
free nor paid one. Rather I am going to show you how I used Facebook itself to generate
viral traffic for my website in a really simple way.

I read somewhere that only 5% people on Facebook click on your links
and 95% just ignore it! But we are going to give it a viral touch. Here is a really simple
example to show you how this system works.
I hope now you understand how powerful this method is. Most of the viral traffic
methods require your visitor to share his link and refer X number of visitors to your
website in order to unlock the download page. But this method doesn’t require any fix
number of people to refer and user get his download instantly as soon as he shares the
Now, let’s learn how to establish this system
STEP 1: As soon as you have added 500 Facebook friends and your website is ready, go
to and click ‘Create New App’. Here ‘App’ means
‘Application’. Don’t worry! It’s not at all difficult and wouldn’t take more than 5 minutes
of yours.
Clickbank Newbie Makes $5000 In Just 2 Weeks Case Study Page: 8
STEP 2: After you click on ‘Create New App’ you will
Got Excited?
So you just saw how I earned $5000 in Just 2 weeks (and still earning…) with no
experience of Clickbank and without SEO, article marketing, email list, forum marketing,
joint venture or anything like that. You must apply this method because in my opinion,
this is the easiest method that really works!
But wait! Few things might block your way:

  • You may not have sufficient time to write a free report to share.
  • You may not have time or material to write a landing page.
    I’ve a perfect solution for you. Rather than experimenting and spending your time on
    writing your own material, how about using the SAME material which is already working
    for me AUTOPILOT? Yes, to give you a quick start, I’ve made a bundle of everything I
    am using in this method.

This bundle includes:

  1. Weight loss report I give away to my visitors - $17 Worth
    (Just insert your Clickbank ID and its yours!).
  2. My landing page where visitors come, get impressed and download the free
    weight loss report - $27 Worth
    (Simply upload this landing page on your website and your site is ready)
    Clickbank Newbie Makes $5000 In Just 2 Weeks Case Study Page: 17
    You can get both of these things (Total Worth $44) and can edit them in
    your own way because I am offering Private Label Rights to every buyer of this WSO on
    both of these things for FREE! Yes! You won’t believe, but I am offering PLR on my
    weight loss report as well as on my landing page for FREE! This is just because you can
    start immediately! Check the ZIP file you downloaded after your purchase, extract and there is a folder material. It contains my landing page + free report and
    every buyer has PLR rights on it. You can edit it in the way you want! Use them
    according to your requirement and take maximum advantage.