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RE: Admit it; you are not surprised. Oxford University Says She Is A Psychopath!
Just another shot at people who actually report the news.. use innuendo to say it is a poorly sourced article.
Tell me what story you're referring to ....this is the front page today.
erm, no - i actually know someone who worked with the guy who runs yournewswire.. but that is irrelevant - there is ZERO SOURCING in the linked page. it's not poor sourcing, since there is none at all.
Yeah,.. I guess you're right!
However there is this little tid-bit.
Daily Mail report: Oxford University’s Dr, Kevin Dutton
Sad when people fail to have reading comprehension.. OH WELL love your common core!
"There will be a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, a dictatorship without tears, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda enhanced by pharmacological methods. " -- Aldous Huxley
ok, so here is a link to the story on oxford university's website:
here's my page about trump's dysfunctions - it includes testimony from his biographer (also speaking at oxford university) about how trump is a megalomaniac with a tiny IQ and goldfish memory:
You assume I am a TRUMP supporter. I find left wing/right wing politics to be the same bird.
I am a libertarian.
i am not assuming anything here, you are assuming that i am assuming ;)
Odd.. I did not bring the name TRUMP into this post.
I am just glad a CLINTON is not in the office...
Yes, me too!!
trump is mentioned in the study as being a bit behind clinton in the psychopathy table - his name is in your original post too.
That would be the source you claimed was not there.