
Hey, I'm glad that you asked me question. I usually don't do this, and you won't find me doing this specific task again hopefully but this time I tagged the account intentionally. It doesn't look or sound good to be publicly called out by the Steemit team for tagging them in a post, and it's not something I advocate.

So, why did I tag the sc01 account? If you read the article to the end, you'll see that our public health team is in dire need of support and funds for our outreach programs as I have mentioned. We've conducted six outreach programs in less than a month, and none of the dentists were paid a single penny. It's not that I expect you or anyone else on this platform to pay for my team, but we need to purchase mouthwashes, toothpastes, medicines, toothbrushes, and other oral hygiene supplies to distribute to children. Honestly, our funds are dwindling right now. I was really conflicted about whether or not to tag the sc01 account, but I ultimately decided to do it. Trust me, it doesn't feel good to be called out in front of hundreds or thousands of people, but I had to do what I thought was necessary, and I apologize for that. It was a desperate move, as I had promised my team that I'd be able to help them financially through Steemit. No one owes me anything its true, but we turn towards our people when in need..

These are the items that we have to purchase for each outreach program:





Instead of this comment, I should have mentioned this in the post itself, it'd have been more convenient for you, I know. We work in extremely rough conditions, at times we work in places where there are no fans, no electricity or a lot of things that come under basic necessities. The purpose of attaching these photos is to let the world know that I am not carrying out any fraudulent activity and remain as transparent as possible. I hve carried out numerous charity programs on Steemit in the past as well.
I hope this clarifies why I tagged steemcurator01.

Hope these votes will help fund your work for a while.


Hey there @steemcurator01 👋

Posting an update on our outreach programs as promised:

This post is coming in late because I was extremely busy organizing and carrying out these dental outreach programs for the month of May. Now that we have completed these programs, I finally had the time to compile all the pictures and data to share with you.

Regarding the financial help provided by the Steemit team, the whole team is immensely thankful to you. With the logistics covered, we were able to buy 35 mouthwashes, 40 toothpastes, and 30 boxes of prophylactic medicines, which were distributed among the 60 students we checked. I took pictures to share them here as well, haha.




The dental outreach programs have been a success so far. During the focused group sessions (I'll post an update soon), parents seemed genuinely curious about improving their child's dental hygiene and asked questions on their own. This is a sign of victory for us as there is almost no widespread awareness regarding oral hygiene in our country. A few of them were recommended orthodontic intervention (braces, aligners, palate expanders, etc.) and it’s surprising as well as exciting to know that two of them are still in touch with me regarding their child's orthodontic treatment

Of course, orthodontic treatment costs a lot in private clinics. As a private practitioner myself, it seemed unfair to recommend private treatment since the basic cost of orthodontic treatments starts at $250-$300. Therefore, I recommended a public hospital where I personally work, where it would cost around $150. Still extremely expensive, but life is tough, and we are trying our best to ease it out for them.

Anyway, this comment is getting longer than expected. It seemed like a duty to post an update after your generosity, and here's a big THANK YOU from the entire team.

Link to the update

This was very unexpected for me. I'm lost for words honestly, you've made things a bit easier for us. I'll post about our next outreach program here on my profile. Thank you.

You doing a great job brother.Keep it up.