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RE: 与strong-willed的儿子们斗,其乐无穷 | 月旦评
It will not, no - > never work for strong will child.
Bad attention is much more desirable than no attention. "罚站" is bad attention - he wins. So is "取消电游时间" and "罚擦卫生间".
If you and your family are willing to try: "punish' by withdrawing all kinds of attention - let him do whatever he wants to do and not criticize - only make sure that they are safe within limits - it's ok if they suffer a little from their bad behavior so that they learn. Otherwise, "punish" by ignoring them (but tell them so) as if they are invisible.
His problem is that he would not do his must-do work such as his homework. At school no teach will scold kids for not finishing homework. The only thing the teacher would do is write an Email to tell parents that your kids didn't finish his homework. So what would you do? You have to force him to do homework even they don't like it. I give my kids only the basic requests. I didn't ask them to do more homework and I didn't push them to do more academic study. I just want them finish school work and his piano teacher's assignment. But they always challenge my bottom line. So I think discipline is very necessary. And find a effective way is very important.
You and your family, including your husband, should talk about what the responsibilities of each person/roles are.
IMHO, Parents' responsibilities are to feed them cloth them, keep them safe and give them a decent education.
So, nice foods and toys are extra.
The boys need to do their homework. And mom needs to give them food.
So, for example, if they do not do their homework, send them to bed with no dinner - you might consider not cooking that night, so, no one is singled out.
The lesson: mom did not feel like working either.
Everyone can find what they can in the fridge and perhaps, you can clean it out a bit first, removing the nice leftovers first at least.
Boys respond, not to yelling, but to "tit for tat" or "countermeasures".
Se, for boys that age, everything is a game, so, play their game and learn to beat them in their own games with "tit for tat" and not words.
This is something to consider - demonstrating the consequences of "not finishing homework" ...
Remember the "Midus touch":
Turn this around:
Whenever the boy does not do what he is supposed to do, such as finishing his homework, then, make him the exact opposite of Midus - turn everything he touches to "be locked up" or put away - turn on the TV? - no tv that day; play video games? no video games for the day or more; ...