糖尿病最佳饮食方案 The Optimal Diet for Diabetes

in #cn14 hours ago

I. Dietary Principles

  1. 控制总热量:根据个人的年龄、性别、体重、活动量等因素计算每日所需热量,合理分配到各餐,以维持理想体重。例如,一位 50 岁、体重 60 公斤、轻度活动的男性,每日所需热量约为 1500 - 1600 千卡。
  2. Control Total Calories: Calculate the daily required calories based on individual factors such as age, gender, weight, and activity level, and distribute them reasonably among meals to maintain an ideal body weight. For example, a 50-year-old, 60-kilogram male with mild activity needs about 1500 - 1600 kilocalories per day.
  1. 平衡膳食:保证碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素和矿物质的合理摄入。碳水化合物应选择富含膳食纤维的全谷物、豆类等,占总热量的 50% - 60%;蛋白质选择优质蛋白,如瘦肉、鱼类、豆类、蛋类等,占总热量的 15% - 20%;脂肪摄入应控制在总热量的 20% - 30%,以不饱和脂肪酸为主。

  2. Balanced Diet: Ensure a proper intake of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Carbohydrates should be selected from whole grains and legumes rich in dietary fiber, accounting for 50% - 60% of the total calories; choose high-quality proteins such as lean meat, fish, legumes, eggs, etc., accounting for 15% - 20% of the total calories; fat intake should be controlled at 20% - 30% of the total calories, mainly unsaturated fatty acids.

  3. 定时定量进餐:每天尽量固定进餐时间和食量,避免过度饥饿或暴饮暴食。可少食多餐,有助于控制血糖波动。

  4. Eat Regularly and in Moderate Quantities: Try to fix the meal time and amount every day, avoid excessive hunger or overeating. Eating small and frequent meals can help control blood sugar fluctuations.

II. Recommended Foods

  1. 全谷物:如燕麦、糙米、全麦面包等,富含膳食纤维,消化吸收相对缓慢,有助于稳定血糖。例如,早餐可选择一碗燕麦粥。

  2. Whole Grains: Such as oats, brown rice, whole wheat bread, etc., rich in dietary fiber, with relatively slow digestion and absorption, helping to stabilize blood sugar. For example, a bowl of oatmeal can be chosen for breakfast.

  3. 蔬菜:绿叶蔬菜如菠菜、生菜、西兰花等富含维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维,热量低,可多吃。每天蔬菜摄入量应不少于 500 克。如午餐可搭配一份炒时蔬。

  4. Vegetables: Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, broccoli, etc. are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, with low calories and can be eaten more. The daily intake of vegetables should be no less than 500 grams. A stir-fried vegetable can be served with lunch.

  1. 水果:选择低糖水果,如苹果、橙子、柚子等,在两餐之间食用,每次 100 - 150 克左右。例如,下午加餐可吃一个苹果。
  2. Fruits: Choose low-sugar fruits such as apples, oranges, grapefruit, etc., and eat them between meals, about 100 - 150 grams each time. For example, an apple can be eaten as an afternoon snack.
  1. 优质蛋白:瘦肉(如鸡肉、牛肉、猪肉的瘦肉部分)、鱼类(如三文鱼、鲫鱼等)、豆类(如黑豆、红豆、绿豆)、蛋类、低脂奶制品等,既能提供身体所需营养,又不会对血糖造成太大影响。晚餐可安排一份清蒸鱼或炒豆干。
  2. High-Quality Proteins: Lean meat (such as the lean part of chicken, beef, pork), fish (such as salmon, crucian carp), legumes (such as black beans, red beans, mung beans), eggs, low-fat dairy products, etc. They can provide the necessary nutrients for the body without significantly affecting blood sugar. A steamed fish or stir-fried dried beans can be arranged for dinner.

III. Foods to Avoid

  1. 高糖食物:糖果、糕点、甜饮料等,这类食物会迅速升高血糖,应严格限制。
  2. High-Sugar Foods: Candies, pastries, sweet drinks, etc. These foods can rapidly increase blood sugar and should be strictly limited.
  1. 高油脂食物:油炸食品、动物内脏、肥肉等,含大量饱和脂肪酸和胆固醇,不利于血糖和心血管健康。
  2. High-Fat Foods: Fried foods, animal offal, fatty meat, etc., contain a large amount of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, which are not conducive to blood sugar and cardiovascular health.
  1. 高盐食物:腌制食品、加工肉类等,过多的盐摄入会增加高血压等并发症的风险,每日盐摄入量应控制在 6 克以下。
  2. High-Salt Foods: Pickled foods, processed meats, etc. Excessive salt intake will increase the risk of complications such as hypertension. The daily salt intake should be controlled below 6 grams.