My grandfather’s art exhibition – part 2/我祖父的藝術展覽 - 第2部分
Hello friends,
I would like to carry on with my post from yesterday where I took you to my grandfather’s opening oh his painting exhibition in my hometown Hranice. I have decided to break the post into 3 parts since it is almost 40 paintings including few of my grandmother’s. Yesterday’s post was an introduction while today and tomorrow I will present you his paintings in the photos taken by me. Please enjoy! The original post can be accessed here: My grandfather’s art exhibition was a huge success – part 1. 我祖父的藝術展獲得了驚人的成功-第1部分
我想繼續我昨天的帖子,把你帶到我祖父在我家鄉的Hranice的畫展的開幕禮哦。 我決定把這個帖子分成3個部分,因為加上我祖母的畫作幾乎有40幅畫之多呢。 昨天的帖子是一個介紹帖,而今天和明天我會把他的畫作呈現給你,這些照片都是我拍的呢。 請享受這些美麗的畫作! 你可以在這裡訪問我上一個帖子:My grandfather’s art exhibition was a huge success – part 1. 我祖父的藝術展獲得了驚人的成功-第1部分
Below is few pieces of the artwork mady by my grandmother that passed away couple of years ago. She was truly remarkable lady.
Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.
Kromeriz – a hidden pearl of Moravia! Kromeriz - 摩拉維亞的隱藏珍珠!
Czech Republic in Black & White images! 黑白照中的捷克共和國!
My grandfather’s art exhibition was a huge success – part 1. 我祖父的藝術展獲得了驚人的成功-第1部分
Beautiful Prague in black and white images! 黑白照片-美麗的布拉格!
CEO & Founder of CGH

These art pieces are truly mesmerizing. Your grandparents are very talented ! I especially like the pieces with the red background and the snakes in the middle.
The style is very unique and it is very nice of you to share such beautiful art pieces
Thanks ever so much for your positive comment and stopping by! Have a great day. Tomas
awesome art brother..
Výstava Od abstrakce k realistické absurdnosti bude sice končit až 31.12., ale nevím, jestli se do Hranic na dědečka Antonína a babičku Blanku dostanu...
I když rád bych, líbí se mi, co je tu "vystavené"...
Dnes jsem byl s reditelkou muzea a pro velky uspech bude vystava zrejme prodlouzena do konce ledna:).... tak kdyby nahodou byla cesta kolem, vstupne zdarma:)....
so sweet art, wonderful post, vary nice photography, thanks for sharing
up voted
Thank you so much, I really appreciate that.
Those are some incredible pieces of art. You must be very proud!
Thank you so much! Yes, very proud indeed:).....
awesome great art - i also paint and now i follow you as a new friend and upvote
Thanks ever so much. I am going to check your blog for some paintings:)...
many thanks for looking for my own art -- i am delighted and am glad we are now friends too -David
Thank you so much for sharing!
Both are live in their arts!
I believe!
The art is amazing! No words...
Followed and upvoted!
Hugs from Brazil!
Thanks ever so much and steem on.
wow...great art. i like your post and following updets.
Thank you kindly!
The paintings are just AMAZING!!! Your grandpa can master different styles very well!! Thanks for taking us to this incredible exhibition far away from our home:) Cheers!
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a nice comment. I really appreciate that. Have a great day and steem on. Tomas
You're very welcome! Have a nice day too!! >V<
You must be so proud of both your grandparents Very uplifting work.
Oh, I truly am.... amazing people and amazing artists.
Such a brilliant painting work your grandfather done @czechglobalhost. What a creativity. Looking all of arts.Stay live them. Probably showing like as a 3D design. Amazing.
Resteemed your post.
Thank you so much for stopping by and providing great feedback. Tomas