Steemit Weekly for CNers - Issue 03 / 《社區"週"邊事》 - 第 03 期

in #cn7 years ago

The Steemit Weekly series initiated by @deanliu and @wilkinshui aims to bridge the gap between the whole community and the CN-subcommunity by summarizing important events, projects, announcements and etc on Steemit in the past week and present them in a concise way in Chinese for all CNers to keep up-to-date with others out there. On the other hand, 25% of author's reward from this series will be accumulated for funding future worthy projects that aim to onboard more users from the worldwide Chinese using population. We sincerely hope that this little act benefits Steem as a whole as well as the development of Steem-CN for many years to come.

第 03 期 | 10 September 2017


Announcing the Steem Bluepaper!

by @steemitblog

之前提及過的藍皮書出爐了。藍皮書是希望讓一些就算沒有很多科技背景的人也能明白 Steemit 內部的運作和宗旨。而其中大家一直好奇的 Reward Pool 理念,也在最新出版的藍皮書有詳細的解釋。更有趣的是裡面有提到新概念 Smart Media Tokens,雖然目前沒有詳情,但希望可以在不久的將來可以在這裡跟大家報導。

以後這藍皮書更會上載到 Github,方便世界各地的Steemian 更新重要的資訊。


Announcing Spend your hard earned STEEM on some cool official gear!

by @thesteemitshop

官方的賣物網站正式推出啦!既然是官方網站,當然可以用 Steem 或 SBD 購買。產品有 T-Shirt,帽,杯,枕頭,手機殼等等。 小篇測試過,目前應該可以全球運送的,只要多找幾個朋友一起訂購,平均運費也會相對更便宜啊!

SteemConnect 2.0: Easy, Fast, Efficient Access to the Steem Blockchain

by @steemitblog

其中一個 Steemit 2017 的 Road Map 便是要加強登入第三方應用程式的安全性。 SteemConnect 致力針對這問題而進行的。只要應用程式用上 SteemConnect,你便不用再擔心你的登入資料的安全性問題。目前這項目進展良好,看來很快便會看到它的身影了。

STEEMIT 動向 / Apps 消息

New Release of DTube 0.2 for Steemit - A Conversation with DTube Creator @heimindanger

by @terrybrock

@terrybrock跟 Dtube 的開發者 @heimindanger 進行面談, @heimindanger 談及 Dtube 的目的是為了讓 Steemian 可以在影片不被審查下自由分享任何影片,影片的好壞完全交給大眾 (Upvote / Downvote) 決定,同時瀏覽者亦不會被廣告滋擾。由於 @heimindanger 在開發Dtube 的時候並沒有預料會這麼受歡迎,所以在目前的 Version 0.2把一些速度和載入的問題一併解決。未來還會增加更多的功能,例如:播片速度,字幕功能等等。

Introducing DSound: a decentralized sound platform using STEEM and IPFS

by @prc

開發者參考了 Dtube 而設計了 Dsound,顧名思義它是讓Steemian 可以分享音檔從而得到 Upvote 的機會。利用 Dsound 發文的話,跟Dtube 一樣,25% 的 Author Award 會分給開發者作開發成本和未來更新用途。未來還可能有更多的功能,如Playlist 分享和手機應用程式。看來第一屆的 CN 好聲音不遠矣。

Bitshares 消息

Bitshares - State of the Network - 5th September 2017

by @steempower

現在加入 Billion Hero Campaign 有機會獲得免費的Token,作者說沒有免費的午餐是不適用於數位貨幣,我想大家也非常同意吧 :)

相信有投資數位貨幣的朋友們面對上週突如其來的消息(如各地政府對 ICO 的監控)也會感到震撼吧! 其中有一些新的法規是針對符合"證券"定義的貨幣。幸運的是自我監控團體The Tokens & Exchange Self-Regulating Body把我們熟悉的Bitshares 和 Steem 列為不符合"證券"定義的貨幣,希望這樣會減少法規對Bitshares 和 Steem造成的影響。更多詳情,可以看這裡


Steemit Harvey Relief Fund Official Update (Danny Sessoms & TheCryptoShow forge partnership with @HarveyReliefFund, Discord created for Steemians Affected, and Contingency efforts)

by @harveyrelieffund

這是最近一個被受注目的籌款活動,在今年八月的時候,由於一場颱風令到德州石港鎮受創,在一次美國的 Steemit Meetup,他們決定成立 @harveyrelieffund 希望盡一點力量去幫助有需要的災民。

Steemit Meetups in August

by @eroche

此作者(他也是culturevulture的發起人啊!)每月會更新全球 Steemit Meetup 的活動,你不但可以觀賞世界各地的聚會,有興趣舉辦的也可以參考其他國家的做法。希望未來 Steemit 線下的活動會越來越多!

Let's Talk—How Can We Improve Engagement on Steemit?

by @firepower

@firepower 提出如何有效增加在Steemit 的關注度。作者有超過 9600 的跟隨者。其中一些建議如多一點運用 Steemit.Chat 去跟不同社區的人交流,加入不同的比賽項目和參與其它幫助社區的活動也是非常值得我們參考的方法。


〈社區週邊事〉是由 @deanliu@wilkinshui 發起合作,我們將會定期總結整個Steemit社區所發生的重要事件或項目進展等,例如Steemitblog的新公告,社區重要人物的談話,社區重大事件或活動,Steem重要Apps的發布與進度,其他Steem相關社區的發展新動向,或是一些界面的更新等。主要目的是希望協助各位CN區的朋友們,能夠以更有效率的方式掌握社區動態,讓大家能夠不只是來發帖賺錢,也不要只單單關注CN區內部的消息動態,好好利用這一平台的國際化特色,與其共同成長。另一方面,也期許大家多多以此為基礎,去向外互動與發展,促進CN區與大社區的和諧共榮。因此,本系列作者收入的25%將持續累積於 @angelfund,作為未來支持任何可以強化全球中文社群在此發展的專案開發項目。敬請支持並給予任何反饋建議。

accumulated fund to date, stored in @angelfund, is ... ( 55.733 SBD )

Disclaimer - images from respective sources. please notify us if you do not wish to share the image and accept our sincere apology for not asking you in advance as we do not have enough time to ask permissions one by one; logo and boarders designed by @nicolemoker.


Thank you...

感恩 ~

謝謝 :)

thanks for the information. what your news is useful for us all ..

Hi @deanliu, Another great post. You're contributing to the community and that's appreciable. Like your all other posts, it will be a great help to many. So, keep writing, inspiring and serving the community! 👍✌

I'm also following your footsteps and trying to help the beginners who never earned even a single dollar ($1) per day 💰 at Steemit, through my posts. I believe this article can change their lives so your valuable feedback can help me serve the community in a better way: How To Earn $100/Month By Commenting On Steemit 🚀.

Let's lift others as this is how we grow! 💪



Best of luck for your project :)

Good job
Plzzz vote
Pollow n comment me @mudatnad
Thks u

Good initiative and Nice post

Hey @deanliu!
Your services specially for CN Community and overall for Steemian Community are unmatchable. A very rare people do the struggle for common people. But you're doing a tremendous job, which is appreciable. I don't understand Chinese language but your efforts are so generous and healthy which force me to use Google translator for your every single post to understand your theme word to word. Our Support from Pakistan is with you forever. Keep doing great work. Regards!

see my post about war

very nice article

Many many thanks for sharing brother . please keep posting this kind of post

Thanks. Will do :)