剑桥科珀斯时钟 (Cambridge Corpus Clock)

in #cn8 months ago



地址:国王学院(Kings Colleage)对面(58 Trumpington St Corpus Christi College, Cambridge CB2 1RH)。

边上有Eagle's pub,发布DNA被发现的地方,里面有啤酒叫Eagle's DNA。

在老卡文迪什实验室附近的老鹰酒店,弗朗西斯·克里克和艾姆斯·沃森首次庆祝了 DNA 双螺旋结构的发现。这一突破依赖于罗莎琳德·富兰克林、莫里斯·威尔金斯的数据和其他科学家。
[caption id="attachment_64279" align="alignnone" width="810"]剑桥 发现DNA的酒巴 The Egales Pub:"The Secret of Life" 28th Feb 1953. Here at The Eagle, near the old Cavendish LaboratoryFrancis Crick and ames Watson first celebrated the discoyery of the double helix structure of DNA. This breakthrough relied on data from Rosalind Franklin, Maurice Wilkins and other scientists. 剑桥 发现DNA的酒巴 The Egales Pub:"The Secret of Life" 28th Feb 1953. Here at The Eagle, near the old Cavendish LaboratoryFrancis Crick and ames Watson first celebrated the discoyery of the double helix structure of DNA.
This breakthrough relied on data from Rosalind Franklin, Maurice Wilkins
and other scientists.[/caption]

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剑桥大学的Corpus Clock是一个非常独特和引人注目的时钟,于2008年9月19日公开揭幕。这个时钟有几个特点使它与众不同:


Corpus Clock的设计相当独特。它的面盘上没有数字,而是由一个巨大的金属圆盘组成,上面有光线刻画出的时间标记。这种设计给人一种未来感和科幻感。




Corpus Clock展示时间的方式也很特别。时钟表面的LED灯会亮起来显示时间,但与传统时钟不同的是,它有时会故意显示错误的时间,以此来象征时间的相对性和不可预测性。






Corpus Clock位于剑桥市中心,安装在Corpus Christi学院的Taylor图书馆外墙上,是该市的一个著名地标。

总的来说,Corpus Clock不仅是一个时间显示装置,还是一个融合了艺术、哲学和科技的独特创作,吸引了来自世界各地的游客和时钟爱好者。

Cambridge Corpus Clock

The Corpus Clock at the University of Cambridge is a highly unique and eye-catching timepiece, unveiled to the public on September 19, 2008. There are several features that make this clock stand out:

Design and Appearance

The design of the Corpus Clock is quite distinctive. It has no numerals on its face, but rather consists of a large metal disc with time markings illuminated by lights. This design imparts a futuristic and sci-fi feel.

The "Chronophage"

The most notable feature of the clock is a large metal insect, commonly referred to as the "Chronophage" (meaning "time-eater"), perched on top. This decoration is not just ornamental but is also part of the clock, moving as time passes.

Method of Displaying Time

The way the Corpus Clock displays time is also unique. LEDs on its surface light up to show the time, but unlike traditional clocks, it sometimes intentionally shows the wrong time, symbolizing the relativity and unpredictability of time.

Underlying Significance

The clock is more than just a timekeeper; it is designed as an artistic representation of the passage of time and the fragility of human life. The Chronophage "devours" a moment with each passing minute, symbolizing time's relentless march.

Funding and Creator

The clock was funded by Sir John Taylor, an alumnus and inventor from the University of Cambridge. He used this clock to showcase his unique insights into time and science.


The Corpus Clock is located in the city center of Cambridge, mounted on the exterior wall of the Taylor Library at Corpus Christi College, making it a famous landmark in the city.

In summary, the Corpus Clock is not just a timekeeper but a unique creation that merges art, philosophy, and technology, attracting visitors and clock enthusiasts from around the world.

[caption id="attachment_64272" align="alignnone" width="1152"]剑桥有名的地标:The Corpus Clock 剑桥科珀斯时钟 剑桥有名的地标:The Corpus Clock 剑桥科珀斯时钟[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_64273" align="alignnone" width="1152"]剑桥有名的地标:The Corpus Clock 剑桥科珀斯时钟 剑桥有名的地标:The Corpus Clock 剑桥科珀斯时钟[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_64274" align="alignnone" width="1152"]剑桥有名的地标:The Corpus Clock 剑桥科珀斯时钟 剑桥有名的地标:The Corpus Clock 剑桥科珀斯时钟[/caption]


PS: 听说晚上这里更是一番味道,很炫/紫色很酷炫。

[caption id="attachment_64287" align="alignnone" width="1080"]夜晚下的 ”剑桥科珀斯时钟“ The Corpus Clock at Night" 夜晚下的 ”剑桥科珀斯时钟“ The Corpus Clock at Night"[/caption]

博客:剑桥科珀斯时钟 (Cambridge Corpus Clock)