Splinterlands Art Contest Week 61 --- Sacred Unicorn

in #cn5 years ago (edited)


No one can tell why the Unicorns of the Splinterlands have become so aggressive lately. When they take the offensive, these beautiful and ethereal beasts become rabid and ruthless agents of chaos. Their piercing horns can break through a thick wall of Dragonglass, and their healing abilities make them difficult to stop with any weapon.

Sacred Unicorn is one of my favorite. Simply because he's handsome looking and good stats.

He has nice attack skill plus he can heal himself when he's injured. A must have for the Life splinter team.

Sacred unicorn's graphic picture from splinterlands:

My wife is currently learning crochet, so she made this sacred unicorn for one of my son's classmates as a Christmas gift:

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Have you wondered why his neck is so long? Because it's a unicorn style pen~

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I was able to capture some steps of her work:

  1. Create the pen holder

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  1. Make the head and the neck

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  1. Done :D

WeChat Image_20191211215439.jpg

玩steemmonsters的游戏很久了,应该是第一次参加他们的创作活动。活动链接:Splinterlands Art Contest! // Week 62




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