テルーの呗(瑟鲁之歌)英文对照歌词 Translated by Scarlet S :)

in #cn6 years ago (edited)


在近黄昏的云层上 总是孤单飞翔著 

On the clouds at nightfall, always flies lonely

The eagle must be very sad
在无声无息的风中 抓住天空的它的羽翼 

In the quiet wind, his wings holding the sky
could not rest at all
把心比喻成什麼好呢 像老鹰般的这颗心 

What should the heart be metaphorized as, the heart of the eagle?
把心比喻成什麼好呢 在空中飞舞的悲伤 

What should the heart be metaphorized as, the sadness flying in the sky?
在细雨飘落的岩石边 总是小小的开著 

Beside the rock in the drizzling rain, there are always several small flowers blossoming

 The flowers must be painful
在色彩迷蒙的雨中 浅粉红色的花瓣 

In the misty rain,  the pink petals,
which no one would touch
把心比喻成什麼好呢 像花朵般的这颗心 

What should the heart be metaphorized as, the heart like the flowers,
把心比喻成什麼好呢 受风吹雨打的苦痛 

What should the heart be metaphorized as, with the suffering caused when blown in the wind and drenched by the rain,
在无人烟的野径上 和我并肩行走著 

On the pathway in the wild, you and I, walking shoulder to shoulder.

 You must be very melancholy
在虫儿低喃的草原 一起前行的人们 

On the pasture with little insects’ buzzing, the people walking together forward  

Having no words to talk   

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