🐈Cat lovers, WATCH OUT! When your cats start to drink too much water! | 貓咪突然喝水,貓奴要注意了!深切的自身經驗!

in #cn6 years ago (edited)

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I think a lot of cats lovers have the problems that your cats don't like to drink water at all, so you always need to try a lot of ways to attract them to drink. This problem has bothered me for a long time, i even bought the pets drinking fountain. You always need to care about the water problem, and also choose the better feed.

When i took over Sully, i've already took him to do a health Checkup, and i've known he has the kidney problem.So i choose the better feed, and the RO water for him, but day after days, his healthy problem still getting worse.




Sully is five years old, and you can tell how he fat he was( about 6 KG ), and he was active and healthy. But since some day, Sully, the cat who doesn't like to drink water at all, became like going crazy to drink a lot of water. He only drinks about 300c.c. one day, but after that , he stared to drink 400 - 500c.c. (It's ok for a 5-year-old cat to drink 600c.c. in one day.), we all thought he just found out how wonderful the water is... but that's just the start of the nightmare.

蘇利今天第五歲,也可以看到原本的他有多肥(6KG左右),也很好動,看起來就是一隻非常健全的貓,但是突然有一陣子不愛喝水的他開始狂喝水,原本一天頂多 300C.C. ,提高到一天可以喝到400-500多C.C.(一般的五歲貓咪最適合的一天飲水量大約600C.C.都還是正常),我們都以為是他懂的水的美好了....但是這才是噩夢的開始...

He stared to drink a lot of water until his bowl is empty, then he will go search any available water on the sink or toilet in bathroom. And went pee for 10 times a day, had the vomiting behavior.
We just thought everything will be OK after seeing the doctor, but the result beyond my expectation. The doctor said he need to be in hospital and have an IV injection for the kidney problem, and he will be OK after two days. The report told that Sully was doing well, and he still loved to eat, and rested very well, he could go back home next day.

The day i'went to bring him back home, he've already dying in the cage in hospital, hyperspasmia and yelling. The hospital camera showed us he went crazy suddenly last night, crazily scratched the glass and fall down, keeping repeating this behavior until he couldn't stand up any more.


The doctor asked us to have the mentally prepared, means HE CAN'T MAKE IT THROUGH TONIGHT. Sully still kept yelling, hyperspasmia, sprint, and his pupil never change by the light, kept breathing hard like he couldn't get enough oxygen. The situation continues until midnight, we decided to let him free, because he looks so painful. So we brought hime to the 24 hr hospital.

The doctor let Sully have complete physical checkup, ultrasonic, sedatives and the principles of antiepileptic drug, there's no any doctor knows what is the etiology to cause this. Doctors can only surmise the Acute Pancreatitis, Hypoglycemia and serious dehydration problem is a complication of Renal failure. And these problems cause the muscle spasm and no pupillary reaction.
After, the doctor asked us to have a active treatment for 3 days. So Sully started get in the oxygen room.







After the treatments, Sully got his consciousness back, and switched the better position for himself, that's a huge progress and what a miracle!🎉
He got URTI, pink eye, over muscle spasm, brain hearts to cause paralysis and abnormal micturition, that makes him dying when he was in the hospital.
Nasogastric tube to esophageal stomach tube, stable life without any IV injection and medicine, walking slowly instead of paralysis, pupil has the light reaction. Then he could go home! 🎉🎉
Even though it will be a big challenge when he back home.


  • Feed 5-6 times a day by esophageal stomach tube, he can't eat by himself any more.
  • Couldn't use use the litter box any more, your whole house is his littler box.Prepare to clean all.
  • Almost blind, couldn't see anything, hard to walk.
  • Unstable emotion, gets angry very easily.
  • Burn your money!
  • 每天餵食5-6次,只能靠食道胃管餵食,無法自己吃東西喝水。
  • 起初只能靠擠尿才能正常排尿,現在可以自己排尿,但已不會使用貓砂,所以要有全家就是貓砂的準備。
  • 因為癲癇引起腦部及全身肌肉受傷,眼睛已經幾乎全盲,行動也不方便。
  • 情緒非常不穩定,很容易暴怒。
  • 花錢像用燒的速度。

Even though we saved him for death, it's a very difficult job, like taking care of a dementia elderly. You need to spend more money to take care of him, and he might has no cognition.




Until now, we still don't know this decision that to bring him back is good or not, it spend so much money and like a torture for him... but we've made a decision to bring him back means we have to take good care of him.



Hope everyone make sure your economic ability before getting a pet. Have the mentally prepared that to feel like raising a kid, and no abandoning. If your pet has the situation like my Sully, make the decision after serious thinking, and never regret.

And if you have any pet need to be in the hospital over night, i will suggest you go find a 24hr take care hospital, if your kids have any emergency problem, there's always somebody to take care of them.




See more Sully:


I'm Doubting My CAT Is An Aliens...

Adoption Instead of Buying. Love Them and Don't Abandon. 領養替購買| 愛牠就不要拋棄牠。

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I hope Sully gets well soon :( . Such a cute cat.


Best wishes to Sully's health!!

thank you ! we all hope so, too !:)




