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RE: "Laowai" - Superiority Complex // 老外的优越感

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

Some of my foreign friends also complain how some foreigners in China can be so ignorant. But I think it's also because some local Chinese give them too much attentions. They somehow make much more money than an average Chinese working class. Maybe they've come across something not that pleasant in China. Then they started to feel more superior.

I like your article but I think learning a language is never obligatory. I learn the language here in Belgium because of my interest. Chinese myself, but I don't think anyone should be forced to learn the language. It's all personal choice, That's why I always appreciate someone who's willing to learn the language and culture when living abroad.

Keep on!


I agree with your first paragraph. It is definitely a combination of many different factors at work that causes certain foreigners to turn towards the dark side. There are many internet communities that house these types of individuals. They just have weak minds that allow them to become lost in the confusion. They don't have to be themselves here because they can't really be held responsible for their actions. There is no one in China that has connections to the people they know back home. They are free to become whatever they want.

Thanks Joy! I don't expect anyone to agree with me 100% percent on any matter because I tend to be quite picky and stubborn about certain details. I never think one should be forced into learning the language; it is definitely a personal choice. I just think for one to be able to function in a society he/she should be able to communicate with his/her neighbors about trivial things like turning the music down or borrowing sugar. I don't necessarily support some sort of government mandate forcing foreigners to learn Chinese better if they want to stay here! I am just saying that it is imperative to psychological stability to be able to communicate to those around you and even relate to them. It is unhealthy to be in a place where you are always focusing on being different, not relating to others, and constantly experiencing hardships due to communication problems.

I think the situation with foreigners in China is a little bit different than the whole living abroad phenomenon. China is a unique place with very complicated culture deeply rooted in the way its people thinks, speak, and act. The 崇洋媚外 derived obsession that has Chinese cities plastered with advertisements of foreign (predominantly White) models all over is only going to reinforce this useless ideology. Foreigners in China can and will continue to capitalize off this random obsession. I just like talking about this stuff. I hope this wasn't too long! Haha, hope you read it when you had some extra time.

You are wise. You've seen 崇洋媚外, you must also have seen those foreigner-haters our there. I think the relationship China and foreigners is a love and hate mystery.

I am just an observer haha. Oh there are a lot of people who just hate foreigners as well! When I say 崇洋媚外I am talking more about the obsession with 欧美 everything.

I will share more stories later. Hope you enjoy haha. Sometimes my writing style may seem a little bit like 吐槽 WARNING!

Haha you know what? Before I came to Europe, I would imagine here to be those fancy dresses, beautiful art-deco style architectures, those you see in the movies. But in reality no one really cares! haha so I went to museums to see those old-time funfairs. Your posts inspired me of how things in Europe are different that I thought.