研究表明在家中的排行能预测你未来的发展! Birth Order

in #cn6 years ago


First-born kids are poised for success
First-born children have a special place in the family hierarchy. "They come into the world as their parents' sole princess or prince," wrote Jeffrey Kluger, author of the book “The Sibling Effect: What the Bonds Among Brothers and Sisters Reveal About Us”. “They are more inclined to be pampered, more inclined to be indulged, more inclined to grow up with a sense that they sit at the center of the familial orbit.”

“老大”在家庭中享有特殊地位。杰弗里•克鲁格在他的著作《同胞效应:兄弟姐妹纽带大揭秘》中写到,“老大出生后,是父母唯一的王子或公主。” “父母更倾向于宠溺第一个孩子,满足他们的要求。所以头胎孩子在长大后会认为自己是整个家庭的中心。”
They also may be inclined to assume leadership positions. In a 2007 survey of 1,582 chief executives, 43% reported that they are the first born. Another, smaller survey revealed that first-borns are 55% more likely than the rest of the population to be founders of companies or organizations.


Eldest children also tend to have higher IQs and be more cautious and dutiful, the New York Times reports. And they often earn higher salaries, according to study from CareerBuilder.


Middle-born children are team players
Kids who are born in the middle tend to be less well defined in their personalities than their older or younger siblings. "They're more of a puzzle," Kluger wrote. "They may adopt the behaviors of the biggest siblings or the littlest ones — or they may find some behavioral blend of the two." Research from the University of Redlands in California found that middle-born kids are more relationship-focused, which bodes well for their careers.

对于中间出生的孩子来说,他们的性格特征不如其他的孩子明显。克鲁格写到,“这些孩子的性格和行为时常令人感到困惑。他们的行为可能受到‘老大’或最小的孩子的影响,甚至同时受到二者的影响。” 雷德兰兹大学研究发现,中间出生的孩子更加注重人际关系,这也有利于他们的事业。
"At the heart of nearly all jobs is that kind of relationship management — connecting, negotiating, brokering peace between differing sides," Kluger wrote in TIME. "Middle siblings may not wind up as the corporate chiefs or the comedians, but whatever they do, they're likely to do it more collegially and agreeably — and, as a result, more successfully — than other siblings."

克鲁格在《时代周刊》中写道,“几乎所有工作的核心都在于人际关系的管理:联系同事、协商事宜,或是协调和维持两方之间的关系……” “中间出生的孩子可能不会成为公司领导或是喜剧演员,但是无论做什么,他们都会寻求气氛融洽的团队合作。从这个意义上讲,他们比其他兄弟姐妹都成功。”

Katrin Schumann, co-author of "The Secret Power of Middle Children: How Middleborns Can Harness Their Unexpected and Remarkable Abilities", said in an article for "Psychology Today" that middle children are social beings, skilled negotiators, and good team players who think outside the box and resist conformity. She pointed to such examples as Madonna, Martin Luther King Jr., Charles Darwin, and Abraham Lincoln.


Last-born kids rewrite the rules
When you're the last-born child of the family, you have to contend with being the smallest and weakest of the bunch.


"That makes them more inclined to be rebellious (the better to overturn the system)," Kluger wrote. "It also makes them funnier and more charismatic than their older siblings. If you can't use strength and size to prevent yourself from getting pushed around, you learn to disarm with charm and to pay attention to other people's thoughts and motivations in order to stay one step ahead of them."

克鲁格写到:“这样的观点使家中最小的孩子更容易叛逆(他们甚至会改变整体的运作规则)。” “与其他哥哥姐姐相比,这令他们更加幽默,更具魅力。如果最小的孩子不能通过强硬的方式来阻止他人排斥自己的行为,那么他们需要放低姿态,多聆听他人的想法,注意他人的动机,这样才能事事走在别人前面。”
Younger siblings are more likely to participate in high-risk sports than their older siblings, according to researchers from the University of California. This translates to bigger risk-taking in the professional world, according to Kluger: "Last-borns are more likely to blow up the tracks and buy new trains — reinventing a company entirely, rather than simply reforming or improving it."

Another study found that last-borns are more relaxed, easy-going, and funnier."Multiple studies have shown that the baby of the family is likelier than other siblings to be a writer or artist or especially a comedian — Stephen Colbert, the youngest of 11 siblings, is a great example of this," Kluger wrote. "All this, again, speaks to the last-born's ability to get inside other people's heads. You can't write a powerful poem if you don't deeply understand what moves your potential readers."




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