Sirami, the most beautiful princess in Thailand: stripped naked, lay on the ground to eat dog food, and became a monk after exposure

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From nightclubs to palaces to temples: Sirami's life has had its ups and downs
Sirami, this name has recently exploded in Thailand. A girl from a slum background, relying on her dancing talent, climbed step by step from a stripper in a nightclub to a dancer in the royal palace of Thailand. However, the good times didn't last long, at the beginning of 2024, an indecent video knocked her from the clouds to the bottom. What's going on here? Could it really be that she is indecent? Or did someone deliberately frame her?

From the slum to the palace: Sirami's counterattack The most beautiful princess of Thailand, Sirami: stripped naked, lying on the ground and eating dog food, and became a monk after exposure
START2024-10-17 13:35 · Traveler Billy 0r8
From nightclubs to palaces to temples: Sirami's life has had its ups and downs
Sirami, this name has recently exploded in Thailand. A girl from a slum background, relying on her dancing talent, climbed step by step from a stripper in a nightclub to a dancer in the royal palace of Thailand. However, the good times didn't last long, at the beginning of 2024, an indecent video knocked her from the clouds to the bottom. What's going on here? Could it really be that she is indecent? Or did someone deliberately frame her?

From the slum to the palace: Sirami's counterattack

Speaking of Sirami's background, it can be described as "miserable". She was born in Bangkok's largest slum, Klonnetoi, known as Thailand's "King of Slums". When he was a child, Sirami and a group of friends rummaged through the stinking garbage heap every day to find food, and even going to school was a luxury.

However, Sirami has had an extraordinary love for dance since he was a child. Whenever she saw those elegant dancers on TV, she couldn't help but twist her body along with it. As a teenager, she used this talent to successfully enter a nightclub in Bangkok and become a stripper. Don't say it, Sirami is really red and purple in the nightclub. Her bewitching dancing posture, coupled with her pure appearance, is simply a man's dream lover. It is said that many rich people want to keep her, but Sirami refuses. "I just want to get ahead on my own," she said. "
Opportunity always favours those who are prepared. In 2020, the Royal Palace of Thailand happened to be recruiting dancers, and Sirami did not hesitate to sign up for the audition. With her excellent dancing skills and unique temperament, she defeated thousands of competitors in one fell swoop and was successfully selected.
Palace life: the undercurrent behind the glory and wealth
After entering the palace, Sirami's life can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes. Once lived in a dilapidated house in a slum, now lives in a splendid palace; In the past, I couldn't eat enough and didn't have enough clothes, but now I have fine clothes and food, and jewellery. It was as if she was living in a dream. However, life in the palace is not as rosy as it seems. It is said that when Sirami first entered the palace, he was often excluded and bullied by other palace maids. Once, she was even drugged and almost had a big scandal. Fortunately, it was discovered by an old eunuch in time, so it did not cause a catastrophe. However, Sirami, with his ingenuity and dancing talent, quickly won the favour of Prince Maha. Prince Maha is an important member of the Thailand royal family, and it is said that he admires Sirami so much that he often lets her perform for herself alone. All this, naturally, caused dissatisfaction among other members of the royal family. Especially the royal concubine Suthida, it is said that she hates Sirami to the core. It is rumoured that Suthida has tried to secretly get rid of Sirami many times, but has been stopped by Prince Maha.

Indecent video incident: Sirami's life turning point
At the beginning of 2024, an indecent video went viral. In the video, a woman resembling Sirami is engaging in intimate acts with a man. As soon as this video came out, it immediately caused an uproar. The Thailand media Bangkok Post was the first to report on the incident. "The authenticity of the video has yet to be confirmed, but it has been widely discussed on Thailand social media," they said. If the video is true, it will be a huge blow to the royal family. In the face of such accusations, Sirami firmly denied that the person in the video was himself. She said in an interview: "I am loyal to the royal family and would never do such a thing that dishonours the royal family." This must have been someone deliberately framing me. However, no matter how Sirami explained, the incident caused an uproar in Thailand society. In order to calm public opinion, Sirami was forced to leave the palace. Becoming a Nun: Sirami's Self-Redemption
After leaving the palace, Sirami's life can be said to have fallen to the bottom. The former glory and wealth disappeared overnight, and she didn't even have a place to live. What's worse is that because of this video incident, she has no place in Thailand society at all. Just when Sirami was in despair, she made a decision that everyone didn't expect - to become a nun. Sirami chose to become a monk at a small temple outside Bangkok. She shaved her hair, put on a simple robe, and began a completely different life. Get up at 4 a.m. every morning to recite sutras, then clean the temple, turn your fortunes, and study the Dharma.
A twist of fate: Return to the Palace
Fate always likes to play jokes with people. Just when Sirami thought she would spend the rest of her life in the temple, an unexpected news came - she was recalled to the palace. It is said that this recall is due to a power struggle within the royal family. The tension between Prince Maha and Queen Mother Sirikit is intensifying, and Sirami is seen as a key figure who can balance the forces of the two sides. For this sudden change, Sirami seemed a little hesitant. She had found peace of mind in the temple, did she really want to return to the deceitful palace? However, in the end, Sirami accepted the recall. "If my return can bring harmony to the royal family, then I am willing to serve the royal family again," she said. "Sirami's experience is really embarrassing. From the slums to the royal palace, to the temple, and finally back to the royal palace. The ups and downs of such a life are simply more exciting than novels. I wonder what kind of challenges she will encounter next? Life is really full of accidents and surprises. Today you may be at the bottom, tomorrow you may be at the top. Sirami's story tells us not to give up hope easily, no matter what difficulties we encounter. Because who knows, the next corner, will be the willow and the flowers?








