一个2岁半的‘戏精’宝宝 ( A two-and-a-half-year-old 'plaything' baby )

in #cn7 years ago

宝宝是对小孩儿的亲昵称呼 。是爸妈或家人对婴儿或幼儿的昵称,古时候,父母有了孩子之后都是如获珍宝。在父母眼里,孩子都是宝贝。那么不知道大家有没有带萌娃的经历呢?昨天看到微博上家长带娃的趣事,一张张呆萌呆萌的照片,让我想起了去年夏天照顾我可爱的侄子的趣事,小侄子玩具特别多,但是他并不满足他的玩具,他喜欢玩各种遥控器,锅碗瓢盘居然也是他最喜欢的玩具,更揪心的是一分钟没留意他,他就跑去玩水了。水也是他的最爱

先来一张亮瞎眼睛的照片 (看我的小眼神儿)


看见没,我新长的5颗牙齿 (See, my new five teeth)


宝宝玩下遥控器怎么啦 (What happened to the baby playing the remote control)


无与伦比的美丽 只有帽子才可以承托我的帅气 (The unbeatable beauty only has the hat to be able to bear my handsome)


我想静静 (I want to quietly)


帅气的回眸 (Handsome eyes)


这个坐姿,给100分 (This sitting position gives 100 points)


A baby is a personal term for a child. It is the nickname of parents or family for babies or young children. In ancient times, parents had children and they were treasures. In the eyes of parents, children are babies. So I don't know if you have a cute baby. Yesterday see parents will take her fun on weibo, cute cute photo, reminds me of last summer fun to take care of my lovely nephew, little nephew toys much more special, but he did not satisfy his toy, he likes to play all kinds of remote control, boiler bowl gourd ladle dish unexpectedly is his favorite toys, more concern is a minute didn't pay attention to him, he ran to play water. Water was also his favorite
And then we have to share the cute pictures of the little nephew, ha ha ha
First, a shot of a blind eye (look at my little eyes)
he is a delightful baby