爱情的天梯——Ladder of love

in #cn7 years ago

几多对 持续爱到几多岁
当生命 仍能为你豁出去
千夫所指里 谁理登不登对
几多对 能悟到几多精髓
能撑 下去
握着手 而幸福包围泥墙简陋
牵着走 怀着勇气至爱得永久!

    《天梯》是我很喜欢的一首歌,每次听天梯这首歌都会很感动,因为它的歌词写得真的很朴实很感人。 这几天打开手机就看到很多新闻都是关于“李小璐出轨PGone”的新闻,明星的事情我们安静地当一个吃瓜群众就好。不发表任何意见。恰好也是看到这个新闻所以今天很想和大家分享关于“一首歌”的故事,这首歌名叫《天梯》,相信喜欢听《天梯》的朋友们都知道这个故事,真的很感人。
    刘国江用了整整50年,铁铣凿烂了20多把,这都是他一手一手凿出了6000多级的阶梯,每一级的台阶都不会长出青苔,因为只要下雨过后他都会用手搽过,这样一来就不会滑……这6000多级的石阶被人们称为“爱情天梯”。而他,也从一个年轻人变成了一个白发老翁。这个时候让我想起了木心先生的《从前慢》> “一生只够爱一个人,也许就是刘国江的真实写照吧!







生命 多么简单
我瘦弱的肩膀 一样可以为你变坚强
转了多少弯 不要去算
踏着桥上木板 一步一步能走到对岸
背着你 爬不完的天梯都在我脚底
只要你 明白这一切都来之不易
我有何关系 我愿背你难得我可以
有多累 我都永远不气馁
多一岁 我就陪你走一岁
谈不上有为 也总有一双腿

What is love? When you meet the one you love, you will first widening your eyes a little bit and quickening your breathing a little and warming your skin and so on.

But that is just your body reaction. But is this the whole explanation for love? I do not think so. Here I would like to tell you a story about true love.

It was the first time they met that he began to fell in love with her. He was 6 years old while she was 16 years old. She was the bride sitting in the sedan. He stopped the sedan because it is said that, if a bride touch a child’s gum, then his lost front tooth will grow up again.

The first meeting which looks like a child’s joke is not romantic but is impressive. The fate of a person is arranged by god and you cannot change. He vowed that he will marry a woman who is as brilliant as that bride.

But unfortunately her husband died and her family considered her as an unlucky woman. What is worse, she was abandoned by her family and she should bring up her four children by herself.

On occasion, he saved her drowning son. From then on, he began to look after her and her children. Spontaneously, both of them fell in love with each other. But this is not acceptable at that time and they suffered a lot from the gossip.

To protect her, he decided to move to the mountain and built their house. Since the second year, he began to build a ladder to make it easier for her to go down the mountain. The ladder cost him approximate 50 years to build the 6208 steps ladder. This ladder is what we called ladder of love.

He chiseled some superficial cave as the stair rail for her. She called him lad and he called her maid. Though they lived in an original way (e.g. slash-and-burn farming methods), they still enjoyed it.

An accident came suddenly, he fell down to the ground and never got up again. During the 6 days he in a coma, she accompanied him every seconds and seldom ate anything. She held his hand and told the stories they had. She tried her best to wake him up, but failed.

Finally he died. And several years later, she passed away. I think this is the true love. Like the pledge people used to make in the western style wedding, whether they are wealthy or poor; whether they are healthy or ill; whether they are young or old they are still together infinity forever and ever.