
in #cn9 months ago

黄山下雪了,去看雪!说走就走,带上咖啡爬黄山看雪。 “处处路通琉璃界,时时身在水晶宫”。雪后的黄山如同一座冰雕玉砌的仙境,皑皑冰雪覆盖着峰峦,雾凇晶莹剔透,处处银装素裹。奇松怪石在冬雪的映衬下更加巍峨壮观,美不胜收。


Yellow Mountain is now covered in snow—let's go see it! Spontaneously, grab some coffee and ascend Yellow Mountain to witness the snowfall. "Everywhere the roads lead to a world of crystal, constantly residing in a crystal palace." After the snow, Yellow Mountain transforms into a fairyland of ice sculptures, with pure white snow blanketing the peaks. The rime glistens, creating a transparent beauty, and every corner is adorned with a silver-white charm. Against the backdrop of winter snow, the unique pines and peculiar rocks appear even more majestic and spectacular. It's a sight to behold!