Benefits of Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil has a wide array of health benefits, hair and skin uses and uses around the home.
Its uses include the following:
1.To moisturize and nourish the skin.
2.A great sources of healthy fats:Over 50% of fat in coconut oil is rich in luric acid.
3.Mental booster:Studies shows that it improves focus and mental performance.
4.It serves as a great cooking oil with a high smoke point.
5.It can be used as an anti-aging facial moisturizer.
6.It serves as immediate source of energy when eaten that is not stored as fat.
7.When eaten regularly, it can boost horme production.
And host of other uses........
Very informative article.
Agricbusiness cool
L love coconut oil
Wow!very nice information, keep it up bro
Cool post
I have learnt something today, nice post
nice, just learnt something new, i just upvoted you as well , cheers!
Wow! This is extraordinarily great! All i can see here is God. Everything is still traced back to God. God is great!!
Great stuff. This is helpful. Thanks a bunch.