JAVA coding problems solved -- The N-Queens Puzzle
Here is the first of a series of coding exercises that I will share with you after solving and testing them.
Title: N-Queens Puzzle
Difficulty: hard
You can find the description of the problem here on .
In a nutshell: you have to find all the ways to place N queens on a N×N chess board so that the queens do not attack each other.
Input: 8
Output: All combinations for 8 queens on a 8x8 chess board
- HINTS (to solve it on your own)
1. How would you improve it / how would you have solved it instead?
I'm aware that performance wise it's not a great algorithm. Better approaches that could bring to better time complexity are:
- Use of recursion
- Distribution of the workload on multiple threads
(probably makes sense only for big Ns - with a classic chessboard there shouldn't be any significant improvement) - Dynamic Programming?
2. How would you have solved it in the worst way possible?
I'll post an example in the comments later on. : )
Always analyse the properties of the system. Each row need to have one and only one queen. This means that:
- Once you manage to add to a row a queen that does not attack the others, you can stop trying to place a new queen on the same row
- If you find yourself in a situation in which one of the rows is empty you can discard that solution right away
- On paper:
package leetcode; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class NQueens { public static void main(String... a) { System.out.println(">> " + new Solution().solveNQueens(5)); } } // (template provided to submit the solution) class Solution { public List<List<String>> solveNQueens(int n) { return new Game().start(n); } } class Game { int n; Character[][] board; public List<List<String>> start(int n) { this.n = n; this.board = new Character[n][n]; return calculateSolutions(); } // Algorithm: Last Queen Reposition --- COMPLEXITY: O(N^3) ~ 2√2N*N^2 ? // N=1 -> Found 1 solutions in 0.001 seconds // N=5 -> Found 10 solutions in 0.006 seconds // N=15 -> Found 2279184 solutions in 270.876 seconds (~4.5 mins) List<List<String>> calculateSolutions() { List<List<String>> solutions = new ArrayList<>(); List<int[]> queenPositions = new ArrayList<>(); outer: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (!hasClashes(i, j)) { // ADD QUEEN board[i][j] = 'Q'; queenPositions.add(new int[] {i, j}); if (i < n - 1) { j = n - 1; // skip the rest of the row } else { saveCurrentSolution(solutions); // CHECK REMAINING positions for this configuration int[] queenPos = getPosOfLastQueenToReplace(queenPositions); if (queenPos != null) { // for N=1 i = queenPos[0]; j = queenPos[1]; } } } else { // ADD DOT if (j == n - 1) { // EMPTY LINE. Resume from next position of previous queen. // if (i == 0) break outer; -> (nope, never used) int[] queenPos = getPosOfLastQueenToReplace(queenPositions); if (queenPos == null) break outer; // END - end of line and no queens left i = queenPos[0]; j = queenPos[1]; } } } } return solutions; } int[] removeLastQueen(List<int[]> queenPositions) { int[] lqPos = queenPositions.get(queenPositions.size() - 1); int lastQueenI = lqPos[0]; int lastQueenJ = lqPos[1]; board[lastQueenI][lastQueenJ] = null; queenPositions.remove(queenPositions.size() - 1); return new int[] { lastQueenI, lastQueenJ }; } int[] getPosOfLastQueenToReplace(List<int[]> queenPositions) { int[] queenPos = removeLastQueen(queenPositions); int lastQueenJ = queenPos[1]; if (lastQueenJ == n - 1) { if (queenPositions.size() == 0) return null; queenPos = removeLastQueen(queenPositions); lastQueenJ = queenPos[1]; } return queenPos; } void saveCurrentSolution(List<List<String>> solutions) { List<String> currentSolution = new ArrayList<>(); for(Character[] row : Arrays.asList(board)) { String rowStr = ""; for(Character cell : Arrays.asList(row)) { rowStr += cell == null ? "." : cell; } currentSolution.add(rowStr); } solutions.add(currentSolution); } boolean hasClashes(int i, int j) { return queensOnCross(i, j) || queensOnDiagonal(i, j); } boolean queensOnCross(int i, int j) { for (int r = 0; r < n; r++) { if (r != i && board[r][j] != null) return true; } for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) { if (c != j && board[i][c] != null) return true; } return false; } boolean queensOnDiagonal(int i, int j) { int r = i - 1, c = j + 1; while (r >= 0 && c < n) { // top-right if (board[r][c] != null) return true; r--; c++; } r = i + 1; c = j - 1; while (r < n && c >= 0) { // bottom-left if (board[r][c] != null) return true; r++; c--; } r = i - 1; c = j - 1; while (r >= 0 && c >= 0) { // top-left if (board[r][c] != null) return true; r--; c--; } r = i + 1; c = j + 1; while (r < n && c < n) { // bottom-right if (board[r][c] != null) return true; r++; c++; } return false; } }
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