in #cognitivedissonance7 years ago (edited)

(by Broken @LOLcurvature - Twitter)

In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values. The occurrence of cognitive dissonance is a consequence of a person's performing an action that contradicts personal beliefs, ideals, and values; and also occurs when confronted with new information that contradicts said beliefs, ideals, and values.[1][2]
In A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance (1957), Leon Festinger proposed that human beings strive for internal psychological consistency in order to mentally function in the real world. That a person who experiences internal inconsistency tends to become psychologically uncomfortable, and so is motivated to reduce the cognitive dissonance: either by changing parts of the cognition, to justify the stressful behavior; or by adding new parts to the cognition that causes the psychological dissonance; and by actively avoiding social situations and contradictory information that are likely to increase the magnitude of the cognitive dissonance.[1] (WIKIPEDIA)

In the weeks leading up to my own first real encounters of this occurrence, I had to face myself,(atheist) I had to face the truth and I had to face them both free of pride with an open mind (I will ask you to do the same as you read through my writing) to the fact that I don’t know everything. In fact, quite the opposite.
If one is to assume they know everything then what’s the point of anything?
I’ve come to understand after weeks of lost sleep and trying to deal with the fact that I may well be the victim of indoctrination, that knowing is in the past... But learning is in the now.
So, with this in mind I set out on a journey of self-discovery.
We can’t learn anything new without asking questions.
We ask these questions every day and rely on certainties provided to us by what we know to be reality.
Some examples of this everyday would be “I’ve seen people in movies stick their tongue on frozen steel etc and it gets stuck…hmmm I wonder if it’s true, I’ll try it myself”. The common belief is questioned the human mind takes action to solve the problem in the form of physical evidence and puts tongue to pole…The outcome is then known beyond a shadow of doubt. He did not need to write equation after equation to make the simple assessment and analysis. He saw a problem then made a simple practical experiment where the outcome could be measured by the human brain.
Truths are simple. Lies are complex.
What is reality?
Reality isn’t a thought or a theory provoked by a thought ... It just is. Yet a mathematical equation is a thought and can therefor provoke another thought or equation. As we see in the ideas of string theory breaking things down like this can go on infinitely forever and we could really be possibly none the wiser or even worse nonexistent in this theory.
We experience reality every day without having to think it to be. It’s just there we don’t need languages such as science and math for self-perception of reality, we know it’s there as it surrounds our senses. Feeling, smelling, thinking, tasting are proven to us as we experience them as human. We are not computers and do not need unsolvable lengths of math and theory to feel sensuality, love, sorrow or betrayal. In fact, I challenge any computer to be able to feel and show in measurable emotion the extent of what effect our reality can and does have on us.
Being as we ARE human and DON’T understand these feelings... how could anyone in their right mind say a mathematical equation could make a computer do it?
They couldn’t.
So why would we ridiculously assume that mathematical equations or the language of science could tell us what we perceive as human is wrong!?

We know the natural physics of water are to always find its level and it must be contained. This is provable, repeatable evidence the human self can perceive. It’s a natural law provided by nature that is a certainty of our REALITY.
However the Earth-globe model.. Is a contradiction to this.
Philosopher Ayn Rand quotes “Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.”
Namely gravity.
In REALITY, the IMPOSSIBILITY of water conforming to the exterior of a shape is seen everywhere for example if you look across an ocean you will NOT see an impression on top of the water of animals swimming around and rocks sticking up, this would not be REALITY.
In REALITY, what we see is the water always seeking its own level and remaining flat on top whilst contained.
If we drop a rock it falls through the medium (air) as it’s heavier than the medium…. A helium balloon will rise to its level of density no gravity required. Only density/magnetism/buoyancy/buoyant force. !00% proven 100% of the time. FACT.
Gravity however is a rebranding of these words to make something that cannot physically work essentially almost work but with flaws.
It’s lengthy mathematical equations that go on and on to make the Heliocentric ball hold any water.
So, we know that density and buoyancy can be proven over and over yet gravity cannot which should we adopt in our REALITY to find truth?
Water cannot conform to the exterior of a shape yet one word makes it magically happen. If you think this is true that a man-made calculation and word…. basically…if you believe human language over NATURE and REALITY, then I really fear for the future of our children.
We have zero proof of earths movement in testable repeatable practical situations and mountains of evidence to prove it doesn’t. The most basic of all being perception. If you weren’t told you lived on a ball spinning faster than the speed of sound (1040mph vs speed of sound 767mph) through the galaxy at 65,000mph away from the big bang at 65,000,000mph would you logically assume this? Or would you assume you live on the ground (floor of the universe) and it doesn’t move.
Mobile phones and pictures of big blue marbles, universal studios globe etc. distort our REALITY and give us the assumption that if the majority believe it to be true it must be.
Classrooms everywhere... this big round ball is shoved down our throats before we even have a brain big enough to fathom the idea. I’m sure you asked your teacher how water and upside-down boats buildings etc. didn’t fall off or if Aussie’s are really upside down… they probably muttered gravity and then moved on really quick because self-thought and assessment of contradictions doesn’t seem an important part of growing up. NASA admit their pics of earth are photoshop composites and they don’t have any actual photos of earth.
Lies are lies even if everyone believes them. Truths are truths even if nobody believes them. Truth doesn’t force anything and doesn’t fear investigation. If you are so sure that you know where you live do some research on flat earth and completely debunk it. Cults force people with forms of manipulation ie. Some links provided to real patent numbers to mind control devices that exist today. People helping others find the truth ask them to research for themselves and disprove it. If you think subliminal messaging doesn’t exist and sway people I urge you to take out the device most likely in your pocket and tell me you’ve never brought anything online or had an argument against someone else’s ideas online.
Also if you think your government wouldn’t lie to you…well…

I’m going to leave you with two mindsets. The first is the common one that we are a totally random accident that started from a singularity of nothingness, eventuated in to stars, plants, people, life, compounds, atoms... everything and we are completely insignificant the great expanse of infinity Living on a ball spinning that can magically hold water to it with the use of a man made word…ACCIDENTALLY!!!???
The second.
We’re it. We were put here for a reason and we don’t live on some magic ball that can achieve feats unmeasurable and unfathomable in REALITY. We live on the floor of the universe and the truth is being kept from us for a reason…We know NASA’s $52m per day $18bilion per year reason to lie…. But the Antarctic treaty in place until 2048 singed by the United Nations (who use the flat earth map as their flag and logo) telling us we can’t go and see what’s really beyond there has got to make you wonder as a human…why??
I don’t support any model anymore because it’s become quite apparent to me we really have no idea where we live. But I do ask that whatever model you support especially if it’s the spinning blue ball Heliocentric model… ask logical questions of it… I’m sure not one person reading this has ever seen a shooting star appear from the Horizon, which by the way does mean flat, just like airplane, and shoot upward… shooting stars always come from above downward and are contradiction to the globe. Others may be can I find the curve anywhere? how can I see a horizon out of both airplane windows when I’m above a line of convergence that’s meant to curve away?? Simple questions should have simple answers.
Reclaim your mind and think critically for yourself on this topic it is very important not to let common opinion sway your thought processes, just remember if you have been lied to that is NOT YOUR FAULT.
However, knowing that you may have been lied to and do nothing about it is only lying to yourself.
The Globe lie is the ultimate TRUTH that mankind must uncover before we explore this amazing place without governing limitations.
I hope you didn’t find my feelings to biased at all based on my findings. I wish to encourage questioning of what you think you know that’s the easiest way to find the truth. QUESTION EVERYTHING.
I will finish up in saying thank you to Eric Dubay for opening my eyes to the Jesuit Freemasonic lie that is the GLOBE THEORY.

If you’d like a head start on trying to work out where you are, I’ll leave a link to a very informative easy to follow video that shows a practical demonstration of atmospheric lensing and how it can make a sun appear to set on a flat plane, human perception is the hardest part about this topic. You must realize your eye is a round lens. Think accordingly.
Thanks for reading.