ColorChallange - ThursDay Green - The Benefits Of Forests To Human Life


Absolutely right, the forest provides an abundance of wood. The wood can be used to make a variety of equipment or furniture. In addition because he became the dwelling place of various living things. So the forest also provides a wide range of foods that we can eat. In addition it also provides natural honey huan which can be hunted and harvested. Even many plants and herbs that can also be utilized.

The forest can be a natural habitat for animals and other creatures

Many animals that live in the forest. Of course this is because the jungle there are many foods that can make animals stay alive, survive and remain sustainable. That's why preserving forests is mandatory, in addition to providing oxygen, it can also preserve what's-what's in it.

Useful to prevent the occurrence of flooding

The forest also serves in preventing floods. Why? This is not because the roots on a plant that is in the forest. This root is able to make strong ground and landslides. So we have to keep the preserved. Don't let society or even your family..

As a source of oxygen

The forest provides oxygen for us. Therefore, he is often referred to as the lungs of the world. This happens because in the forest there are many plants or trees. They would perform photosynthesis. In the process of photosynthesis, plants will need water, mineral nutrient elements and light which will then produce oxygen and carbohydrates.

Save the backup water source

The roots of the trees in addition to keeping the soil from the landslides due to flooding. He was also able to make water survive on the surface of the Earth. So a backup of water So Much in the forest. You still want to keep destroying forests?

Help prevent erosion and landslides

Strong roots will aggravate soil. He will also hold the soil from the landslides and erosion. The tree will be reinforcing it naturally. So if there is a hill with a specified slope, he should plant with trees so that is not the case of a landslide.

As a family tourist attractions

The forest is one of the sights of interest. Its charm is very high. Let alone in a forest that will be visited is a very well-preserved forest.

A place for research and study in biology

The forest also has many kinds of wildlife. They can be used in research studies and also other studies purposes. Forests are a source of study in great demand for experts of the ecosystem.