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RE: Background Art
Dont worry :) everyone has a right of opinion :) to be honest I'm not that proud of them either, however there's a limited number of hours in my life and I work/study fulltime so I need to prioritize if I ever want to see this game ready.
Hello Hanuli;

I was hoping that you would post more. Don't be discouraged. Art does not need to be liked - but one can appreciate something without liking it. I used to paint things in black only on white. Instead of drawing what was there, I would draw what wasn't there. Imagine drawing a face but not the features but the shadows and the lines.
Of course now it is so much easier just by using Microsoft Paint to achieve the same effect. Looking at this image a person might not be able to identify it. Once you see the original:
you might not like my image (the original is far better) but one can appreciate it...
Hello! Thanks for your wonderful comment :) Believe me I'm not posting frequently, because I'm discouraged, but because I'm busy at work. However my summer job is ending this week so look forward for more posts from me :)