The Great History of Masturbation

Hi kids, do you like tits? Obviously the answer is yes, but I am here for something far more important; I am here to share what makes is so grateful for them. Or more precisely, why should we be grateful to porn? Porn is the reason we are all too familiar with the phrase “But you are my step-brother”, a place where your sick needs aren’t only welcomed but tragetted. Do you think hentai would exist of no one dreamt of fucking someone with 18 dicks? Or all the family based porn, it is a time for you a guy and his mother to doscuss that sexual attraction 18 years after Freud said it should be allowed.

Why am I here to talk about the history of porn? Is it to justify the 5 hours a day I spend watching? Is it to make choking myself seem normal? The answer to both questions.

But let’s go back to understand this. Giulio Romano


One of Italy’s best artist in the 16th century, an artist so good that he inherited Raphael’s studio

Who is Raphael? Raphael is one of three grandmasters of the renaissance, along with Leonardo Da Vinci
And Michaelangelo
Warning: I might not have reaearched the photos well enough

These three’s style of pinting defined the art in their time. And since Romano is the successor of one of them then he had to establish himself in such career. Romano decided to paint 16 paintings that he called “I Modi” translated roughly into the poses. 16 paintings for 16 men and 16 women in sexual positions. So what? It is not strange for artists in that time period, it is not the first nor last painting of nude people that would come out from that age. In fact if you put them in those global museums along with others, you won’t find any significant difference.

Doesn’t even have to be that age in time, in fact those type of paintings go all the way back to the the Venus Figurines 4000 thousand years ago

Those statues are referred to as the “big booty bitches” of the old age

All the way Abbasid, AKA the golden age in Islam. That is right! In Islam’s golden there were sexual paintings, at least according to Shereen El Feki’s book “Sex and the citadel”. Dr. Shereen says that during the Abbassid times included many litterateur and poems that were sexual in nature. So what Romano did wasn’t new during his time period nor in history as a whole. BUT what happened to those 16 paintings is what changed the course of our media and communications forever.

Before Romano travelled to do a job in a palace, he left the pintings with a friend, his friend saw them and decided to go to the closest printing house in a business starting opportunity, using the newly invented device by Johannes Gutenberg


Printing plenty of copies of the I Modi paintings and sold them to commoners, creating a big mess. Romano’s friend went to prison as per orders by the pope himself for distributing foul paintings. You might be wondering “What about Romano?”, after all he is THE painter; well, nothing happened to him. He was only the painter and he was pinting these for rich people who saw the art in those paintings. Romano’s friend actions started a strict overseeing to the pintings and what is sold in the market and eventually to the publishing of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum.


A list of books that are prhibited from publication, thus starting the regulatory of art out of fear for the minds and hearts of the commoners as per the church. More to me surprise, the east or the orient was seen as more sinful, sexually corrupt and openminded than the west. But due to the influence the west had on the east, as invaders most times, the east became more conservative than the west.

What Romano’s friend did still effects us until today, the sexual narrowing by the state in the publications and media turned the sexual into a taboo, and much like that guy in porn staring at his sister bending over to clean, everyone wanted to hit that. Thus sexual literature became a secret thing with publication and media existing underground to sell, and distribute it. Then the underground would later expand.

On the 7th of January 1839, the artist and chemist Louis Daguerre announced his new invention, the daguerreotype process of photography. Pornography started very soon after, in fact pornography gave photography the best advertisement a new invention could have. Within 10 years of the start of Daguerre’s invention Paris became the capital of photography. You might be wondering “How did photography became successful so quickly?”, and the answer would be the same thing I would go with after getting rejected by a girl once again, pornography or what they were know at the time “Artist’s Studies”. What are those? They are photos, of what? Naked women, sold as photos aimed at helping artists.

You might excuse that and say that these are artists and they need them instead of having a model pose for days. But there was no law that says people who buy them need to be artists. In 1853 the “Artist’s studies” sales made 40% of the totality of photography sales; in fact in some time periods those photos cost more than a night with a hooker. The great income of those sales was the reason of making photography a successful field turning it later into a famous one that would have technological advances that later Wouldn’t be about sex either, that’s right, the reason you are able to see a bird in such clear image is because a French guy decide to jack off instead of paying for a hooker.

That story wouldn’t be the last of its kind when it comes to pornography. In each new media related technology it appears, like microfilm, cinema, VHS tapes, cable T.V, and many others. At the beginning technology is expensive and starts narrowly, hard to use until it becomes popular and on-demand by people proving, despite all of its flaws, that it can provide a better content that is sexual in nature. Like VHS being more descrete, or more accessible on the case of cable T.V, then the technology reaches an enormous success and monetary profit, thus the technology aimes ti improve itsef and becomes cheaper as due to the other fans of the technological medium at hand. Finally thanks to porn it goes from the underground to the mainstream.

A new technology is both hard to use as well as expensive. But you, as a user, what would motivates you to use it and go through the hardship of such technology other than tits? The biggest role porn has played in media and communications is the role it played in the biggest and most important media and communications empire that exists today; the internet. According to Rick Berman

Here he is looking he just watched porn for the first time

“According to him, without porn and Star Trek, there woild be no Internet. According to a study done by hitwise in 2006 20% of the internet traffic at the time was goingg to porn sites. This is in 2006, what about now? After all now we have more sites, lighter devices, smart phones, in the old days you had to do it on a computer that others use. According to SimilarWeb the fourth most visited site in Egypt is a porn site, following google, youtube, and Facebook. Then comes twitter, SOUQ and instagram, followed by another porn site. The top 10 sites in Egypt include 3 porn sites, let’s not go far, PornHub is the 25th most visited sites in the world.

This is today, things were worse in the old days. At its beginning the Internet didn’t have sites like it now does, it used to be one computer connecting to another through a Modem. It used to be limited communities of people who owned computers who knew each other and communicate between one another. Then the Bulletin Board started for type of sites similar to reddit people were able to share things on it like photos and words. What do you think people shared at the beginning of this? That’s right, sexual content. As you read this on your phone and laptop you might not be able to imagine how hard and long (pun intended) was the usage of the internet during that time and how much it cost. It was slow and buffering, and needed a lot of maintenance and it added a lot to phone bills. But that same annoying internet offered sexual content. That was the reason for many of people to go through the suffering.

In his book “Obsene Profits” Fredrick Lane says in 1992 the telephone companies in the U.S made 850 MILLION DOLLARS revenue thanks to their efforts in expanding the internet. Porn was the reason behind the cables and infrastructure that made the internet into what it is now eventually. The same internet that is the reason you are reading and thanks to it. Plenty of reasons, look at @Dporn and its platform who might end up being the reason Steemit rises again and again (Pun intended)

In Summary

Whether we like it or not, even though SimilarWeb cleary states that most of us do, porn has been at some point the main reason behind the success of the greatest inventions financially. The biggest motivator behind the success of photography, filmography, VHS tapes, and finally the internet. Microfilms were until recently a method of achieving history. Thomas Edison is the actually the producer of the first kiss caught on camera resulting in what later became known as VHS tapes, the reason that the porn industry made around a billion dollars profits in 1985. Porn was also the reason behind the UHF or the Ultra High Frequency, that doubled the number of channels you can get through aerials. Also behind the satelite dish after, including the local T.V channels. Porn was the main reason behind the success and popularity of such mediums. And God only knows what it can do to existinf technologies like the VR. In his book “The Erotic Engine” Patchen Barss says that porn takes a lot of credit for the reason that our current world is so well-connected these days. The reason that I am able to write this from a hot room in Erbil, Iraq, and for it to be seen by people all over the world.

And in order for you to make the best out of this, follow me and upvote the post, check out my previous posts. And do just that, okay? Don’t watch any site with a P or X in its name, I think you know what I am saying. Just wait for me I might end up showing what you want to see, who knows?


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