Old Man Logan, Volume 7: Scarlet Samurai Review

in #comics6 years ago


Like he does, Logan’s putzing about Japan waiting for the latest Marvel hack to give him something to do, when he stumbles into the midst of a gang war: the Silver Samurai’s manufacturing a new illegal drug, Regenix, that temporarily gives users a healing factor like Wolverine’s, and Gorgon wants control of the supply because of an ages-old feud between his people and the Samurai’s. Oh man, Logan’s in yet another shite comic!

I don’t know what it is about working for the Big 2 but it seems that some indie authors produce quality work in places like Image yet somehow can’t write anything decent when they make the move to Marvel/DC. Case in point: Ed Brisson, who wrote a couple great Image titles – The Violent and Sheltered – and now churns out utter crap like Old Man Logan, Volume 7: Scarlet Samurai. Marvel/DC are like talent vampires, sucking out the creativity and leaving behind husks only good for pumping out soulless product!

Part of what made Old Man Logan cool originally was his hesitancy to pop his claws and fight back. Not in this series - he snikts out every chance he gets! The conceit that he’s this alternate, wizened Logan is completely shattered. At this point he’s basically just Wolverine with grey hair.

The story is a boring contrivance. Why would anyone care which moronic side wins? And Logan just happened to be in Japan to come across this new drug’s creation – how convenient! Why did Gorgon resurrect that character – did he know he’d encounter Logan? If so, how? If not, why her specifically? Not that she helps Gorgon anyway – if anything, she’s a massive hindrance to his plans!

This book is nothing, just full of rubbish nothing. A dreary, plodding, pointless read, the shadow of Ed Brisson has certainly written a comic book but, like most of this tedious series, it’s definitely not worth reading!


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