Batman VS. Superman, In Depth Comparison and Guide from a D.C. Comics Super-Fan
Hi everyone! I was told to create a welcome post first... but I think I'll just jump right into my first post. I'll introduce myself by showing you what I love, and you can let the words speak for themselves.
Now let's get to why you clicked on this...
The Son of Krypton vs The Bat of Gotham!!
This is it folks.. The epic beatdown between the two colossal comic superheroes..
So.. Who is better?
Let's settle this once and for all with the tale of the tape shall we?..
1: Where they live
Superman: Metropolis - Metropolis somehow always seems to be like LA or Brisbane or Cape Town.. Sunny with traffic jams and occasional big spectacle disasters. Showdowns happen mostly in daytime and are epic and intergalactic in nature with lots of collateral damage. Oh there is always a plane that is in need of a rescue in the skies above..
Batman: Gotham - Gotham is pretty much south side of Chicago.. At night.. Showdowns happen in rainy dark alleys and are intimate and personal in nature..
Winner: Gotham.. Showdowns also happen in posh black tie events or in dingy nightclubs..
2: Love Interest
Superman: Lois Lane.. A nerdy journalist who is also a great humanist to balance Superman's alien powers and affairs.
Batman: Selina Kyle.. Spandex suit and heels, check.. Carries a whip, check.. Will steal your possessions along with your heart, check
Winner: Batman meow
3: SuperPowers
Superman: Umm.. Can fly, Icy Breath, Laser Eyes, Ridiculous strength.. Yea.. DC pretty much threw all the cool super powers into this dude..
Batman: Is being moody count as a superpower?
Winner: Superman
4: Mode of Transportation
Superman: He pretty much flies around everywhere..
Batman: Batmobile.. He sometimes "flies" but it's more gliding down from a tall building . (I will ignore that contraption from the dark knight rises)
Winner: Batman.. "It's the car right?.. Chicks love the car"
5: Alternate Personality
Superman: A nerdy newspaper reporter
Batman: Billionaire playboy
Winner: Superman.. Oh who am I kidding!? Here's my rant and rave.. He goes into a phonebooth, takes his glasses off, puts on some mousse in his hair and voila, we're supposed to not figure out who he is!?.. It's batman.. He drives Lambo's in his alternate personality..
6: Costume
Superman: Cool blue bodysuit with red boots and cape.. Doesn't hide behind some mask..
Batman: Tactical Black or dark grey.. Even his mask has a frown..
Winner: The new superman.. This is a close call but Batman gets docked for bat nipples
7: Logo
Superman: The alien swirly symbol that kinda looks like S!
Batman: It's a bat
Winner: Batman.. He gets bonus points for the searchlight that commissioner Gordon uses to beckon him..
8: Weakness
Superman: Some green crystal..
Batman: Selina Kyle
Winner: Batman.. I would go nuts too if Halle Berry shows up in a skin tight suit with whips
9: Campy Fun
Superman: Ripping his shirt off to expose the superman logo.. The karate pose he holds when he flies.. Icy breath..
Batman: The "Pow", "Zap" bubbles (on live action!), the "Nananana nananana Batman!" Song.. The wall climb
Winner: Batman.. The wall climb gets me everytime..
10: Best Movie
Superman: Superman II .. Best superhero movies are when you have badass villains.. General Zod and his two companions are pretty badass in this movie
Batman: The Dark Knight .. This may just be the best comic book movie of all time.. Wonderful performances by Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine and Heath Ledger explore the great theme of "When have you crossed the line?"
Winner: Batman.. Or more precisely, the Joker
11: Worst Movie
Superman: Superman III .. Richard Pryor as the computer hacker?!
Batman: Batman and Robin .. I'm not even gonna start..
Winner: Batman.. I kept expecting Arnold's Mr Freeze to say "I'll be back"..
11: Villains
Superman: Lex Luthor, Brainiac, mxyzptlk, Dark Seid, General Zod
Batman: Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Bane, Poison Ivy, Mr Freeze, Scarecrow, HarleyQuinn
Winner: Arkham Asylum have the best assortment of villains in any comic universe.. They are well developed characters who can become more than a villain just blowing stuff up..
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Thank you!
Yesss!! So much winning in this post.
Keep up the good work, this high quality and consider me a follower!
I mean who doesn't like the joker firing a rocket GIF?
Thank you :)
Do you have any recommendations for me as a noobie to Steemit? Are there any ways to promote my post that I should be aware of? I just found out about this today. Thanks again for reading!
Just keep doing what you did. Maybe check out @lordvader . Steemit likes this type of humor. Glad I recommended your post for SteemTrail. Great job!
Thanks, I will!
Hey no problem! Yes yes all kinds of things I can recommend, as you can probably already tell Original Content will do best!
Other then that, I find commenting on people's posts with original content that is really what I meant and not just random posting tends to draw attention to myself, and the ones I am talking to.
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Other then that my friend, I suggest you follow people that bring you good content, and just post and have fun.
The easiest way to make money is to forget about the money and just have fun, this has brought me success all throughout life, and yes even here on Steemit.
As hot as a woman with spandex and whips is I still prefer the nerdy girl. lol. I dont want to turn a bad girl good. I want to make a good girl bad.
just saying.
and Welcome to the club. can't wait for more.

thanks for the resteem or this might have slipped under my "bat radar".
You're welcome. I'm using my powers for good for once ;)
Thank you for the Resteem :)
You had me at "bat nipples" LOLOLOLOL
Welcome, welcome, welcome! ;)
Hahaha! I like that :)