Philippine Communists - Lies and Deception

in #communism7 years ago

Please Note the following personal experiences:


The Communist’s of the Philippines operate and thrive on pure lies and deception.

Their natural enemies are Police, Politicians and Business.

Deception #1

Philippine Communists present themselves to the world as the CCP-NDF-NPA and the armed wing known as the NPA are considered to be a somewhat disorganised group of rebels living in the jungle fighting for pure communist ideology.

Deception #2

Active NPA members, especially new recruits and younger members are deceived into believing that they operating according to pure communist ideals. This unverified AMA by an active NPA member will give further insight;

Deception #3

On a provincial level, the local populace is deceived by utilising the local NPA faction purely as “Guns for Hire” to influence police, politicians, businesses into submission, for power and for pure financial gain. The influence is so great that it can be referred too as a “shadow” government.

NOTE: I saw this power over the police and politicians with my very own eyes.

Many locals are unaware that the NPA is only a pawn to influence government for those behind the scenes.

This is hard for many to accept as it puts into question the entire Philippine government and it places the entire legitimacy of Congress into doubt. Are Congressional members voting according to their own opinions or are they voting as requested with their nose directly underneath the barrel of a gun?

The reach and frequency of the NPA attacks must also be considered in order to assess how influential these shadow governments are with respect to the national government.

Below is a link to an unfortunately unofficial map of "Communist Hotspots” across the Philippines, it does not indicate areas that may already be under “shadow govt” control…e.g..If the NPA are not attacking in a certain area, from my experience this strongly suggests that there is no need as police and politicians have already fallen into line.

Map link:

(Note: Former President/Dictator Marcos was from Ilocos Norte, on the map its not marked as a communist hotspot.)

Deception #4

The sympathetic civilian “Members” spread across barangays all over the country are deceived into believing they supporting and helping a cause that ultimately will benefit there own circumstances.
This network is known as the “one up and two down” system and it operates in complete silence.

Barangay folk are inducted into this sympathetic network by an elder friend/family member, when the time is appropriate, this person must induct two person below them. Once inducted, you are in for life, there are no exit options. One must only talk “business” with these three individuals.

Jun Alcover discusses here the civilian network,

"It will take time for the military and the police to detect such presence because of mass support coming from the civilian population. Anybody who would dare report the presence of NPAs in the barangay would be killed in front of barangay folks. Anybody who would dare oppose their views would be eliminated in the guise of cleansing the barangay of “bad elements.” Those who refuse to be convinced are subjected to the muzzles of the gun placed on their mouth. A sort of “political power growing out of the barrel of the gun” practice.”
( ref - )

The existence of this network is the single most powerful element of the entire communist scam as those inducted eventually become contributing members of society, potentially members of the police force, lawyers, judges, politicians etc. All of whom become useful tools to be exploited as required, whether the individuals like it or not.

NOTE: This civilian network was clearly evident during my extortion, details of its operation I only learnt once in Australia.

Deception #5 - (Im withholding all source information for personal reasons)

The sympathetic civilian “Members” spread across barangays all over the country are deceived into believing that corrupt police and politicians are the evil drug lords of the Philippines, when in reality its their very own local leaders.

Deception #6 (Joining the dots)

The NPA is utilised by Malacanyang Palace under Marcos/Duterte regimes purely as controlled opposition.

President Marcos declared Martial Law due to the rising threat of Communism, he then proceeded to murder thousands of Filipinos.

President Duterte has declared Martial Law on the large island of Mindanao, he has killed thousands in his “War on Drugs”, predominantly the poor drug addicts. Only a single person of significance has been charged with drug offences, under questionable circumstances, that being Senator De Lima. Duterte has not ruled out nationwide Martial Law due to the threat of communism. Will he run the same playbook???? Are the NPA used to facilitate false flag operations? (Discussions regarding martial law extensions are ongoing -

Did Duterte/Marcos order mass civilian killings purely to force the nation into silent submission?

Does this network of shadow governments/drugs lords point towards the very top, that being the man thats toughest on drugs? Did you know that Duterte’s son is accused of involvement in Meth importation to the value of $125 million? (

I will finish with a few cherry picked excerpts from comments made during the NPA AMA,

"Seriously, fuck the NPA, and the people behind them. They robbed us of our country.”

“How do you guys get funds aside from extortion? who are the politicians funding you? is it possible that you guys are just a front so the big guys can cook shabu freely? damn that would be devastating for you”

"You really think you are a group of idealist?”

"It's not even the ideology that's the problem, it's just your group, the NPA, that is the problem. You fucking group of uneducated barbarians led by educated ambitious manipulators who use you as pawns.”

TL:DR; Philippine Communists potentially lie and cheat to influence government and people all the way to the President.


@affadsense Hi ~ very nice to see your post!Thanks for your share!!