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RE: What is Communist Anarchism? Ch29!

in #communism4 years ago

Должно быть, Сталин был довольно популярен, когда ходил без охраны и был уверен в своей способности пережить почти все.

Я не думаю, что потребление было бы чем-то равным.
Производство не может быть равным, так как женщины грузят меньше камня, чем мужчины, но производят больше детей.

Я предсказываю, что наши соседи будут поддерживать потребление на рациональном уровне, стыдясь потребления.

Вам действительно нужно 5 машин в дороге, или 2 телевизора в каждой комнате, или 10 пар обуви?
Мы боремся с жадностью, разговаривая с молодыми людьми, чтобы заставить их ценить больше, чем просто складывать товары в угол.

Как только чей-то вклад ценится больше, чем его обувь, мы знаем о нашем успехе.


Stalin had a guard. His wife didn't. He was popular. But he was the leader of the country. Therefore, he had both security and a limousine. He flew on a plane to meetings. For example, a meeting in Yalta. To the Yalta Conference with Churchill and Roosevelt.

The head of state, when there is a war, must have a guard!!!

His wife was not the head of state. That's why I took the tram. She had no guards. His sons were not the head of state. Therefore, they fought at the front as ordinary soldiers. The eldest son was captured. He died in captivity.
Was Stalin popular? Why was it? The capitalists tried to put on a show in 2012. On television, they talked about different rulers of Russia. Some were glorified, Stalin was scolded, and slandered. Who do you think won the vote?
The most correct and popular ruler is recognized as Stalin. Amazing! I'm sure there was some rigging in the voting by text message. Everything was done to discredit his name. On the show, they told all the abominations, how bad he was. It didn't help. It doesn't help, even though it's been 68 years since his death. People believe, remember and remember with a kind word. Although the media is drowning in propaganda scolding Stalin.

I got the joke about the wrong consumption. I don't need 5 cars. Although I need more than 10 pairs of shoes. You forget about my hobbies.
We have very different weather in winter and summer. Because I need winter shoes when it's cold and I need summer shoes when it's hot. Winter shoes must be at least 2 pairs. When there is a lot of snow, sometimes it gets into the shoes. It should be put to dry. While the shoes are drying, I have to put on other shoes.
Except for 2 couples in the city. I need boots in my country house. You have to go to places where they are simply necessary. Next comes spring and autumn, which are equivalent seasons for shoes in Russia.
In spring and autumn, there is a lot of slush and mud in the countryside. That's why I prefer to wear rubber boots. If the galoshes are slightly dry. They protect the boots, but they are still heavy. This is another 2 pairs of shoes. Boots can get wet, as well as galoshes, so they need 2 pairs each.
Next, the summer season. It is good to use sneakers. In the city, shoes under the suit. In the village on my site I wear rubber slates because they are very light and the foot breathes.
Why did I describe everything in such detail? We need an individual approach. For someone, 10 pairs of shoes is a lot. People like me don't have enough, we need more.
On TV. I don't agree here. television, radio, Internet means of communication and receiving information. Therefore, really for convenience, they should be in every room.
It is a crime to prevent access to information, books, and knowledge!

Now the problem of women and men is far-fetched. I was talking about the benefits to society. I didn't just say something about scientists. They may not even make discoveries, but work according to a template. Let's say a trained pharmacist releases analgin. Of course, I can cook it myself, but only released in my kitchen. Or tablets after chemical treatment by a good pharmacist 2 big differences. It benefits the here and now. Although it does not load stones at all.
So does a woman who produces children. Is this useful to society? Then this is a useful contribution!

Да, многое нужно проработать в деталях, но самое большое - это закончить правило силой, до тех пор мы просто порабощены, и у нас нет хорошего выбора.
Имейте всю необходимую обувь, но я думаю, что эта схема уменьшит растрату труда рабочего.

It was about consumption. Analgin. I can take willow bark. Add water to the boil. Lower the bark into the water. Boil the solution.You'll get analgin. The quality is very low. The pharmacist uses equipment and chemicals. Creates a pill. My broth will be worse. Less concentration. Drink more of the nasty medicine. The pharmacist does not wear stones, but he benefits society.

The idea of information availability? Prohibition of copyright on the books of the Bolsheviks. You can't deny access to information. Prohibition is equal to a crime. Knowledge for everyone and free in any quantity What is your attitude?

A personal question. Are you surprised by the positive attitude towards Stalin in your society? I'm sure your capitalists are scolding Stalin. Do you have a negative attitude?