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RE: What is Communist Anarchism? Ch29!
Да, многое нужно проработать в деталях, но самое большое - это закончить правило силой, до тех пор мы просто порабощены, и у нас нет хорошего выбора.
Имейте всю необходимую обувь, но я думаю, что эта схема уменьшит растрату труда рабочего.
It was about consumption. Analgin. I can take willow bark. Add water to the boil. Lower the bark into the water. Boil the solution.You'll get analgin. The quality is very low. The pharmacist uses equipment and chemicals. Creates a pill. My broth will be worse. Less concentration. Drink more of the nasty medicine. The pharmacist does not wear stones, but he benefits society.
The idea of information availability? Prohibition of copyright on the books of the Bolsheviks. You can't deny access to information. Prohibition is equal to a crime. Knowledge for everyone and free in any quantity What is your attitude?
A personal question. Are you surprised by the positive attitude towards Stalin in your society? I'm sure your capitalists are scolding Stalin. Do you have a negative attitude?