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RE: What is Communist Anarchism? Ch28!

in #communism4 years ago

I don't agree. The anarchists and the Bolsheviks at the same time develop their ideas. For the leftists of that time, the main reference book was Marx's Capital. Then they made their own conclusions and found their own solutions. We must not forget that there were many left-wing parties in Russia.
Anarchists, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Esser, Esser left, the social Democrats and many outright may not all remember.

Security? Even in the army of Father Makhno, young people refused their right to life. They joined the army, got wounded or died. They were protecting their loved ones. To get the right to security. The young guys gave up their right. Than they gave this right to their loved ones.

There is nothing wrong with a tax. If it is for the benefit of society. Read about the same Gulyai-Pole, the capital of Makhno. People have introduced a tax on teachers. They collected food: fruits, vegetables, poultry meat, meat, lard, kerosene (then they used kerosene lamps), went to work so that the teachers could fix the roof in the house or fix a breakdown in the house.
Money didn't really matter in the Civil War. The products and goods of the manufactory were valued more. That's why people created this tax. The teacher does not produce food, nor does he produce clothing or furniture. But it is useful to society. Therefore, the society must support it!
A fire department employee. It does not produce products. Does society need it? Yes!
Doctor, does not produce furniture, clothing products. Does society need it?
Therefore, taxes are necessary.

For example, a hospital can't be built alone. If we are talking about a modern hospital, where there is all the necessary complex equipment. Where chemical plants send various complex drugs for treatment.
The only question is in what form these taxes will be and in whose interests they will be used.