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RE: Thinkers Thursday—Who I Am

in #community5 years ago

I never really thought about it. I'm just some guy, have been most of my life. There are, as you showed, far to many labels for people to hang their hat on. I'll take the easy road and just be that guy. Funny that just made me think of the TV series "That Girl".


Hey, @bashadow.

I think most of us thinks of ourselves as that person, even those who some like to fit nicely into some category or another. I'm sure the Oscar winner in question won't object to begin referred to as the fourth woman to win a film score Oscar, or the first in 23 years, and that's fine. It is an accomplishment. The point is, she won an Oscar for anything, which is supposed to be a big deal anyway, and she won it against what sounds like a whole slew of men. If anything, you would think being the best of anyone for the 2020 Academy Awards would be the best way to describe her. Oh, well. :)

Label's we all have to be labeled now. Being the best is no longer good enough I guess, we have to justify why someone won, not just that they won I guess.