New beginnings
Hey everyone, this will be a short post regarding what will be happening on this account.
The account will no longer be soley managed by myself but will be managed by a community, I will however still be posting from time to time.
There will be a number of new topics posted about; gaming, photography, art, reviews of games and movies.
I will be making a series on crypto games, if you have any specific content you would like to get my views on please let me know.
I will also be using this account to do some marketing of goods that is traded by this community, if you are in SA and would like to buy these goods, you can drop a comment here with contact details. Please note the location of the goods being sold.
Image Credit: Google
Hey man came to look at your profile
Reading this I thought of this vid I watched. thought id ask your opinion on this since a lot of game creators are doing dodgy stuff like this
Well i definitely wouldn't put it past people to do this. I had actually thought about this when I first looked into mining.
Hi @dragonslayer101,
I hope you're well. I sent you request on discord. Can you please accept that?
I just want to talk with you for a reason.
My discord ID is sany#3440
Will need to give me some time I am not home at the moment to log into discord, will be able to contact you tomorrow.
Sure, Take your time and stay safe 😊.
I'm waiting for your response.
Thank you